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"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step"
- Another wise hooman (found the internet web)

Luka's P O V:

When I woke up, I was blushing and why you ask well it's because of a girl I saw in my dream.

She kinda looked like Marinette but a more serious and truthful even though it hurts kinda person. She had the same hair color as Marinette's but lighter, she had brown eyes and she was wearing a black crop top with white jeans not only that but she was laughing and I could hear my voice too.

She was a sight to look at, as I got out of bed trying to forget about the mystery dream girl, I had to sing at a children's center and I couldn't wait not because they were paying me 1,000 euros but because I loved seeing the smiles on the kids' faces.

I was on my way to the Children's center on foot even though my mom offered to drive me there.

As I was passing by, I saw a bridge and I couldn't help but think ' Maybe that's the bridge I was on with the mystery dream girl'. I shook my head from the thought ' You love Marinette and only Marinette ' I hoped that was true ever since that dream, "mystery dream girl" was all I could think about.

Now I had to put my head in the game. I had to forget about "mystery dream girl" and focus.

Kagami's P O V:

I was at home since my mother let me have a day off.

My mother didn't want me to go to college, so I just studied online or Marinette and Adrien gave me their notes to study.

I was still my PJs and sitting on the chair next to my desk when my mind went back to the boy in my dream.

A light rosy blush spread across my cheeks, and I stopped myself thinking any farther about him but it couldn't.

It was about 4:00 pm and I wanted to go to a walk since I felt lonely at home because my mother left me to go for a meeting. I changed out of my PJs and wore a white sleeveless crop top with a red plaid skirt. You had to admit that ever since Marinette and I became friends I got better at fashion.

I was on the sidewalk next to Marinette's parents bakery as I glanced through the glass I saw Adrien and Marinette baking some croissants (Adrien's favorite) and they were laughing, teasing each other, playing and at the same time baking.

' They look so happy ' I thought, I ran away that I could avoid being seen by the two. I couldn't hold back my tears as I ran faster not knowing where my legs were taking me.

I reached a bridge, nobody seemed to be there so I took the opportunity to cry as much as my broken heart pleases.

~30 mins later~

After crying, I decided to go home since I couldn't be seen in public anymore due to my red eyes.

As I was walking, I wiped the tears from the eyes.



3rd person P O V:

Kagami crushed into someone, she fell to the ground not knowing what had happened.

"I am super sorry" A voice coming from the person she had bumped into.

"I should be sorry I wasn't looking" she turned her glance to see the person she bumped into and to her surprise, it was the boy in her dream.

Luka couldn't believe his eyes, it was "mystery dream girl" who would have thought him coming to a random bridge would help him find the "mystery dream girl" he had been think and gushing about all day.

He lent her a hand so she could get up, she politely accepted him gesture and put her hand in his.

' His hands are so warm and soft ' Kagami shook the thought away she didn't want to fall that fast for someone after she had just been heartbroken.

"I am really sorry again" Luka said as he gave her the softest smile he had ever given.

"Why are you apologizing, I was the one who wasn't looking" Kagami turned her gaze away from him so she couldn't stare at his unique features.

"Well I wasn't looking too" He said as he nervously put his hand on the back of his neck.

' Adrien also does that when he's nervous ' Kagami thought, why did she only think about Adrien. He was her first crush but she wanted to forget her feelings for him because he already had a girlfriend and an amazing one no doubt.

Kagami didn't know what she was going to say but she said it, her dumb dumb mouth had to spill the beans had to say it without thinking.

If only she could change back time to stop what mistake she made maybe everything would have been fine.



I feel powerful since I am the only one who knows about the next chapter.

Well hope you have a good day/evening/night.


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