Backfired Mistake

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"Forget the Mistake, Remember the Lesson"
- Another wise hooman (I have to find who made these but I'm lazy)

3rd Person P O V:

"Anyway, I have to go. I can't be seen with you" Kagami spat out and ran away

Luka was full of surprise but smirked a little bit, "She's something else".

Kagami's P O V:

I ran fast away not knowing what to say to my dream boy, he looked at me but didn't chase after respecting my boundaries and I was a complete stranger to him.

I arrived home to see my mom in the living room waiting for me. I truly could care less about the fucking lecture all I wanted was to make an ice cream sundae and stay in bed watching a chick flick.

"Kagami-" She started but I walked away showing that I could care less about whatever she was going to say.

I walked to the kitchen and got my ice cream container and opened the lid, got a bowl from the cabinet and put the ice cream into it. I could see my mother stand in shock of what I had just did. After I made my ice cream sundae, I went to my room and locked the door leaving my mother still in shock from my attitude.

I went on Netflix and looked through chick flicks to find "To All The Boys I Have Ever Loved Before" and decided to watch it...After the movie, I was in shock and DAMN WAS IT AN AMAZING MOVIE. I loved it so much that I should invite someone to watch the movie with

"I wonder who will be free on Saturday" I got my phone out and started scrolling through my contact to see who would love or willingly watch the 2 movie of "To All The Boys I Have Ever Loved Before" well if they watched the first one.

I saw Marinette's number and decided to put thing in the past and text her to come for a movie night on Saturday.

Fencing Queen: Hello Mari


Designing Ladybug: Hey Kagami, what's up?

Fencing Queen: I was wondering if you wanted to watch the second movie of "To All The Boys I Have Ever Loved Before" 

Designing Ladybug: OMG I LOVE "To All The Boys I Have Ever Loved Before" I was actually planning to watch the second part...When?

Fencing Queen: On Saturday

Designing Ladybug: Oh shoot I have a date with Adrien...Wait you know I'm dating Adrien, I am sorry we have been really busy lately and we forgot to tell our closest friends

Fencing Queen: Don't worry, you guys are actually cute

Designing Ladybug: What if I send a friend of mine over to watch with you, my friend and I watched the first movie together so they would know everything

Fencing Queen: Sure I would love to know more of your friends

Designing Ladybug: I have to go back to finishing my project, I will send  my friend your address

Fencing Queen: What's there name?

Designing Ladybug: You will find out 😗✌

Fencing Queen: Fine...Bye

Designing Ladybug: Bai~


My mother had to go to this business trip so she wouldn't be home for 3 days and I was finally happy to have some alone time and I could actual fun with Marinette's friend.


I went to the front door and opened it to reveal a blue-haired boy with crystal blue eyes, a black hoodie and black sweatpants. 

"Hello" The boy said

I looked him up to down as I realized



I have been wanting to finished chapter but writer's block refused it and after fighting it I am actually happy with how this chapter turned out. Sorry if it's short and the title is horrible like I said writer's block . I am also sorry if it takes long for updates, I am writing 3 books at the same time which are published including this one and others that are drafts and are probably gonna be published because my crazy mind comes up with lots of good book ideas and it's getting out of control. I have to stop here hope you are having a nice day and stay safe. Bye~

 💜Author-chan / Violet💜

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