Smoothie Date (1K special)

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OMFG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS BOOK REACHED 1.1K, I WAS ABOUT TO SCREAM WHEN I FOUND OUT. I wanted to thank people who read this book and gave me feedback which let me keep going, I truly never thought this book would get this much views but here we are. I truly thought it sucked and the only reason I made it was bcoz Wattpad barely has any Lukagami fanfics.  
I decided to do a filler chapter for this special thing, and also decided to continue doing the quote things in the beginning.

💜(A VERY happy) Violet / Author-chan💜

"Drink a smoothie and make your day!"

3rd Person P O V:

Luka and Kagami silently drank their smoothies, both too shy to talk to the other. The customers in the smoothie bar looked at the awkward young adult feeling pity for them, the two of them silently glanced at each other from time to time but neither wanting to make a sound. Kagami was tired of the silence and awkwardness, she was unsure why now they were feeling this when at the ice-skating rink they were both open to each other.

"Did Marinette and Adrien just set us up on a date?" Kagami broke the silence, she stared at her drink not bothering to look at the other across from her

She heard the other across from her chuckle which made her look up, she blushed at the scene of Luka laughing. "Seems like it but it's kinda awkward"

"At least I wasn't the only one thinking the same thing" Kagami sighed as she took another sip of her drink, "Can we just like not be awkward" Kagami looked at Luka who was drinking his smoothie 

"Yeah, I think people felt our awkward energy" Luka giggled

"I mean who wouldn't we were sooo awkward!" Kagami wined

"Not wrong" Luka finished his drink and looked at his cup. "Hmmm?"

"What's wrong?" Kagami looked at the guitarist

"Wanna do a smoothie fest" Luka gave her a devious grin. She raised an eyebrow and at Luka but slightly nodded knowing she might sooner regret this.

Luka stood up walked all the way to the ordering desk and started telling the person there something, Kagami sighed as Luka looked back at her then winked. "Better not make me regret this, Couffaine" 

Luka came back with a long receipt and a huge smile on his face, "Why are you so happy about?" Kagami looked up from her phone and to the grinning young adult across from her. "And can I please know what we are doing?" 

"You will see and no" Luka said making Kagami do a long exaggerated sigh

The two of them talked for a while, Kagami kept asking Luka what he meant by "smoothie fest" but he kept shrugging her off. As they were talking a waitress brought a big paper bags filled with something which Kagami thought as smoothies.

"Here you go, sir" The waitress placed the bags on the table 

"Thank you" Luka said before the waitress left, he turned to me and smirked. "Let's goooo~" He said in a singing tone making Kagami smile with a hint of red placed on her cheeks. 

Luka and Kagami left the smoothie bar and went to the subway. "Luka what are we doing here?" Kagami asked, she had barely ever been in a subway especially without her mom. 

"Oh we are going to my house then have a smoothie fest!" Luka exclaimed 

"Oh but could I at least help you carry one bag" Kagami offered, Luka looked at her then the bag and slowly handed it to her. "You don't have to be a 'gentleman', you know" Kagami rolled her eyes when Luka huffed like a child.

The two entered the train they wee supposed to take, Luka and Kagami stood next to the door that they didn't have to fight their way through a crowd. Luka could tell during the trip Kagami was feeling anxious, he took a hold of her hand and rubbed circles with his thumb. Kagami silently gasped as her cheeks flushed red, she quickly looked at the floor not looking at Luka. Luka smiled at the tsundere bluenette then hummed a tune which caught not only Kagami's attention but also other passengers, Kagami smiled at the beautiful tune he was making and it also calmed her down.

A passenger got up and walked over to the two young adults, "That was beautiful, sir" A girl who looked about the age of 14 said. 

"Oh thank you" Luka smiled at the 14 year old passenger

"I am so in to music and I loved how you made a tune which changed a feeling, can I please know how you did that?" The teen questioned as she raised an eyebrow

"Well all good music comes from the heart" He glanced at Kagami who was now on her phone then back to the teenage passenger, "Think about what you want to make people feel then just sing or hum it" The teenage girl was amazed by his words

"Thank you, sir" She slightly bowed, "And I must say you have a pretty girlfriend" The teenage girl left to go back to her seat leaving the two young adult to stand there in utter shock. Kagami who heard the last part of the conversation was bright red that she could be a red stop light meanwhile Luka had a blush on his cheeks not as much as Kagami but he was blushing. 

The train came to a halt and people started going out luckily Luka and Kagami were the first ones and didn't get stuck in a crowd full of people. The two walked the rest of the journey to Luka's house, they kept quiet the rest of it not bothering to break the comfortable silence they were having. When they arrived at Luka's house(boat), they went to the kitchen.

"Okay can I now know what a smoothie fest is?" Kagami looked at Luka who liked he was about to explode of happiness

"We are technically gonna be mixing the most unlike smoothie flavors together and see what the taste like" Luka and Kagami stooped holding hands and started getting the place ready.

"I knew I was going to regret this" Kagami sighed

"Trust me, you aren't. WELLLLL....." Luka paused, "You might get a stomach ache" Luka whispered the rest

"What?" Kagami raised an eyebrow

"NOTHING" Luka shouted out for no reason

Luka and Kagami were done and looked at the 20 different smoothie flavors in front of them with a stack of clear plastic cups. There was a trash can next to them incase of anything and markers for ratings and marking the mixed flavor.

"So the first mixture is strawberry and grape" Luka smirked, Kagami sighed for the umpteenth time and got a empty cup marking it "Starberry&Grape", she then mixed some of the strawberry and some of the grape, she grabbed the two straws and gave one to Luka, then they took a sip.

"It's not that bad" Kagami took another sip of the drink

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind drinking it but I wouldn't order it willingly" Luka shrugged, "I feel like a judge on one of those cooking shows" Luka giggled

"Meh, there aren't that special" Kagami said

"What would you know?" 

"I have been a judge on a cooking show before"


"Oh shut it"

The two of them had fun drinking, laughing and spiting smoothies. They both enjoyed the time they spent together but sadly all good things come to an end and they had to part ways. But they new more was to come their way.

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