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"At some point you must accept that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life"
- A wise hooman (found on the internet)

Luka's P O V:

It was a new nice sunny day here in Paris and I decided to go to the park for a walk.

"MOM I'M GOING TO THE PARK" I shouted, mom either had to be in the kitchen or in her bedroom watching KUWTK.

"BE BACK BEFORE 9" Mom yelled from I don't know where.

I left out house boat and headed to the park.

I arrived at the park, to see Marinette. I hadn't see her much or talked to her, after Ladybug, Chat Noir and their crew's final battle against hawkmoth.

But when I was gonna go up there, it seemed like she was in a....

I looked closer to see her with Adrien. ' Maybe since she's so beautiful they made her do the photoshoot with Adrien' I thought.

She was so beautiful with a red short round skirt and a sleeveless black blouse. They then looked like they were going for a break.  I'ma go talk to them .

But before I could go I heard Adrien and Marinette talking, so I stopped to listen. (A/N: Eavesdropping)

Adrien: So how was the photoshoot, m'lady

Marinette: It was meowmazing, Kitty

Adrien: That was a very catatastic pun, Princess

Marinette: We live together I am literally fluent in cat puns

' What does she mean by live together ' (seriously dude)

Photographer: Adrien, Marinette times up

Adrien: How about a good luck kiss

Marinette: Of course my kitty

*Mari and Adrien kiss*

Adrien: I love you, Bugaboo

Marinette: Love you too kitty

Adrien: I'm so happy we are dating

Marinette: Me too, my prince

Then Marinette and Adrien left, leaving me in completely shook.

3rd person P O V:

Little did Luka know that someone else was watching the scene with him and was too not very happy about what just happened.

Kagami's P O V:

I was training at the park by myself since my mother didn't have time to come with me like she usual does, not to lie but I was actually happy she wasn't there.

While on my break, I saw Adrien on a photoshoot with Marinette which wasn't a shocker since they already told me they would have a photoshoot together.

I have loved Adrien for about 5 years now and we are in our last year of college. I was determined to tell him before graduation, so we could be one of the cutest couples.

I wanted to tell Marinette if she could help me since she was first friend I made on my own. Adrien and I became friends because of our parents, so it was really making a friend on my own instead with help.

I couldn't help but notice that Marinette and Adrien were getting close. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous that Adrien asked Marinette to model and not me. I mean Marinette is completely drop dead gorgeous but I always thought Adrien saw me more beautiful.

I was walking up to then since they also looked like they were on a break.

My plan was to scare them, so I hid in the bush but before I could come out I heard them talking so I stopped.

I couldn't believe what I just heard... Marinette and Adrien .....are

I was in tears and decided to ran away from there as fast as my legs could take me.

I arrived at the Pont des Arts

I fell down on my knees and started crying. It was a Monday, so nobody was they were very little people there (public holiday).

"Is anything wrong, Kagami" I heard someone saying, it sounded like a Italian man. I turned around to see Andre the ice cream and lover maker.

"Oh hey Andre" I turned and started to get on my feet and wiped my tears. "What's wrong my dear" Andre was truly concerned unlike if I told my mother this she would be like "grow up" or "just a silly boy".

"Tell me...Ummm how do you kids say it these days" he stopped for a second to think, "Ah.. What's the haps" he then continued, "Is that how you say it".

I softly giggled, "It's good to see you are smiling at least" he said with a soft smile. "Just love problems." He then gave me a frown and then smirked at turned to his ice cream cart.

He came back with a ice cream. It was with a very dark blue color almost like Marinette's but darker ice cream part as the bottom and the top was a nice crystal blue color as the top.

"According to my love senses that is how I expect your soulmate to be" he said, "The dark blue is blueberry flavor and represents there hair and the crystal blue one is just vanilla ice cream with food coloring which represents his eyes" I tasted it and damn it was good.

"Thx for cheering me up Andre" I took another bit of the ice cream, this was now gonna be my usual order, "how much is it" I asked but he gave me a warm smile. "It's on the house" he said, "Thank you so much" and I bowed.

"No need to bow dear and anything to cheer you up" then we said our goodbyes and I left.

Andre always knew how to make me feel better, he was like.....a father to me. He was always there when I was sad sometimes he gave me a pep talk or gave me ice cream.

He kinda reminded me of my real father.

I never talked much about the "hero" in my life because, I never had enough time with him. My father disappeared when I was at the age of 8, I remember very small things about him like we used to love seeing cherry blossoms, or like he used to take me for ice cream or we would make ice cream sundaes when I was sad, we even had our own hand shake which I still remember to this very day and we made a song out of it, and finally he always sang to me "Fly me to the moon" when ever I was sad because I loved the song so much and I still do to this very day especially when I was sad .

When I was walking passed the Louvre, I got out my phone to call out digital driver to pick me up.

Even though, I got heartbroken today at least by the end of the day I was at least happy.

Hope you enjoyed this chappy, I honestly love it.

How u have a nice morning/evening/night.

Make sure to at least sleep people who are reading this at 3:30 am, I'm watching you...NOW GO AND SLEEP (even though I ain't sleeping too QwQ)

Anyway bye 👋

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