The Briggs

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So... my name is Samantha Briggs. Anyway, I should probably tell you a little bit about myself.

I'm a 10th grader at Kivells High and my best friend is Sydney Evans. We have always been friends since the beginning of time. She has always stuck with me... but enough about her. WOW BRAIN THANKS FOR SOUNDING SELFISH AND BEING RUDE ABOUT YOUR BEST FRIEND. YOU'RE REALLY NICE.

Anyways (again), I'll admit, I'm not that popular, but I don't care. As long as I have Sydney. Kivell is an arts school so everyone there is SUPER talented (including me, not to sound conceited or anything). I go for vocal, but I also take theatre. And I just love it there.

Everyone is so nice... well, except the Barbies. I know, cliche, but they SO are! Their leader is Allison Vanders, the model of the school. She is so full of herself! Ugh, she annoys me. But whatever.

So I should probably explain why I'm in a jail cell and not at home doing my homework...

Here starts my tale of bravery and courage and - shut up brain. Actually, it's a story if my pure stupidity and dumb mistakes of my lovely 10th grade year...

Eh? Eh?

Just kidding, no one is reading this...

BTW the picture is Samantha!

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