Gran had put up a barrier in time, however, Veldora's sheer strength managed to shatter through it in an instant.

Veldora held back significantly. As though they're all on the ground, clenching their stomachs in pain, they're still conscious.

"W-what speed, and that tremendous power..."

"Oh? So you can still talk, even though I made sure to inflict enough pain to invalidate that function."

Why?! Why is the Storm Dragon here all of a sudden?

"There's no need for you to question my attendance. I only came here because it seemed interesting. But, mostly because Rimuru promised me that sequel in return. Kuahahahaha!"

Cut the crap... argh, even though my regeneration keeps healing me, it's still far from enough to allow me to move. What is this lingering feeling, it seems to have sealed every single part of my power.

Struggle as Gran might, Veldora has an ultimate power beyond his comprehension. His punches weren't mere [Severance] infused punches.

No matter, at times like these, I must persevere till the very last card... No, wait. What if this is just a trap? Immediately sending me to a dire state, forcing me to panic and reveal my cards. Doesn't that mean he's already caught wind of my plans?

"Hmm, I don't see anything in particular here. Other than this sub-space you guys have, there's basically nothing of importance here."

If that's the case, I won't go down without a fight. Veldora... if it were not for the previous hero, you wouldn't have been sealed. Now that you're once again free, I will be the hero that seals you once again.

"...?! Ho ho, now this... will be interesting."



Benimaru stands before the marching crusade of the knights. Before violence and conflict could start, Benimaru confirms their intentions one last time.

"You knights, one's that which hail from the Western Holy Church. Are you prepared to risk your lives, everything that you have, under false orders?"

As expected, there were no responses. All of them were completely in the mindset of slaughter and battling.

"It's no use Benimaru-dono, these ignorant fools can't even comprehend words."

"Arno-dono, well, what you say is true. However, are you sure about this? You and your comrades will be fighting against your own, injuring them will be unavoidable."

"It's fine, all of us talked about it and came into an agreement. And besides, what would we feel if we just stood by knowing our own are being used as tools."

"If that's the case then I won't stop you."

To signal the beginning of the fight, Benimaru launches a condensed sphere of magicules into the air. Once it reached a certain height, Benimaru clasps his hands. The sphere of magicules exploded like fireworks as he does so.

"My fellow comrades! Let us defend our hometown to our fullest capabilities!"


Benimaru charges in, the rest of the Tempest army follows. While the knights had far more superior numbers, the lack of coordination and tactics would render that factor useless. Furthermore, if their opponent is a monster capable of burning towns with ease, then their chances of victory would be slim.


"Watch out, I sense a powerful character within near the end."

Shizue noticed the presence first, as she was the one advancing the most through the knights.

"I notice it too, now that I'm closer to it. But something's off, it if that's powerful, why can we only sense it within a certain distance."

Replied Benimaru with suspicion.

"For now, advance with caution Shizue-san."

Shizue nods in response.

Ten knights surround Benimaru in that slight time of exchange. They were about to slash him,  however. Benimaru immediately took out his sword and parried each one.

"This is hard... parrying each one of you without killing you that is."

Benimaru uses the back of his sword to knock out the knight's clean unconscious.


Benimaru notices a rather... disaster of a battle happening in the corner of his eye. He takes one deep breath and sharply turns his head 90 degrees to the right.

"Shion! Don't you dare overdo it and accidentally kill them!"

"Oh mind your own business fire boy! I have Lord Rimuru's wish of imprisoning them alive in my heart! So you don't have to worry about that."

This girl has the nerves to say that while launching several knights into the air with one blow. I might need to send a team for specifically retrieving and making sure those knights aren't dead. Though, my priorities need to be somewhere else at the moment.

Benimaru glances in the direction of this powerful feeling. Shizue has already advanced through the knights farther than he expected.

Even though Shizue's powerful, I can't let her take on that presence alone.

"Shion! Come with me once you're done with that, there's something far more powerful deeper into the ranks of these knights."


"Arno-dono, can I leave the rest here to you?"

"You can count on me."


With that, Benimaru heads in, following the path Shizue had created.


Next Chapter: Still being lazy.

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