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Hello! Before you read I just wanted to say that this is just for fun so don't come at me if it doesn't make sense or I made a few mistakes but I tried my best! I'll try not to post the chapters too far apart so I don't leave anyone waiting too long! Enjoy Reading! (Story completed now)

This is just a draft of the story I'm currently writing, while you're reading this I'm in the process of rewriting the story, ill post an epilogue on this story once the rewrite is finished this is just for me to be able to split it up into chapter and receive any feedback.

Edit: Ace's name was spelt 2 different ways in this, its supposed to be spelt Acea but a couple times I'm pretty sure I wrote it Acia so if you see its spelt wrong feel free to leave a comment to let me know and I'll change it.

I'll Take Spades (Draft)Where stories live. Discover now