Ch- 53 Epilogue : 7 years later...

Start from the beginning

Adam Hardlin

"Daddy! Daddy!"Adam came running towards me.

I picked him up,"Happy birthday kiddo!"

"I am 7 today!" He said excited.

"Yes you are."

"Where is mommy?"

"She is in the kitchen, go." I said putting him down on his feet. I followed him behind.

"Mommy!" He jumped at her.

"How is my iron man doing today!" She hugged him, "happy birthday sweetie." She kissed him. He was a fan of avengers!

"Mommy did you made me special birthday pancakes?" He asked

"How can I forget that?" She took the plate from the counter and placed it in the dining table.

"Yay! Extra choco chip chocolate pancakes!!" He yelled in joy.

"Go wake up your sister before eating." She put another pate of the same on the table.

"Okay!" He excited made his way to another room yelling "Rose! Mommy say to wake up." Leaving us alone.

"Did you get his present?" Sylvia asked me.

"Yes I remember it and already arranged everything so..." i made her sit down beside me," please tale some rest." She smiled resting her head on my shoulders.

"And the decorations...?"

"All taken care, Chris and Daniel is going to come in advance decorate the same, before the party. You just rest my darling. I will take care of everything " I hugged her.

"Oh Ashton, what would i do without you." She smiled intertwining her hand with mine.

"Sylvia its me who would be at a loss without you." My eyes fell on our rings. In our hands. Still remember the day when i married her 7 years ago, when Adam was born right after, no sooner with 1 year after Adam our daughter Rose was born. And now our another daughter Elena was on the way. She finally my life with joy laughing happiness and colour. I cant go on any second without her in my life.

Adam came running into room with his sister hand in hand.

Rose Hardlin

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Rose Hardlin

Rose came yawning and rubbing her sleepy eyes ," good mo...rning... mommy and daddy."

"My angel." I took her in my arms and kissed her good morning. Sylvia took Rose and put her in her small seat. Adam took a seat beside her.

"Mo..mmy, how is my baby" She spoke putting her ear against Sylvia belly.

"She is doing good honey."

"When will we meet her?"

"Soon darling."

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