60. The Mastermind

Start from the beginning

"Hey girl, sorry for vanishing like that," I said when she stepped in, the elevator creaking a little under her weight.

She licked my hand and let out a short purr.

"Found them," Roe suddenly whispered in my head.

"Good – teleport us there," I said.

"They're coming your way – just take the elevator to the top floor."

The doors closed, and I felt excited. I was so ready to end this all.

"Wait... They?" I repeated.

"Donovan is chasing him."


The doors opened again, and another silent hallway opened up in front of us. We stepped out and waited. It wasn't that big of a hallway. Only a few doors here and there.

"Let's go," Roe said, suddenly standing next to me.

I followed him to the other end, and through a set of massive doors. We'd reached another big hall. A hangar, but a different one. There were cars and bikes parked on both sides, dead soldiers lying around, and a burning wreck of even bigger doors at the other end, revealing a ramp big enough for tanks. Now I could hear the battle, so I assumed we were above the ground, or at least close to it.

Eru suddenly let out a low growl, fixating her eyes on the ramp. Her fur was standing up.

"I think there's a rassawolf around," I murmured to Roe.

"I think so too," he replied, summoning a massive black spear out of nowhere, giving it to me.

"I'm not going to hurt the wolf," I told him.

"You still might want to protect yourself – that should withstand their bites."

I took the spear. Its weight was almost comforting. Njizrski iron again. Roe conjured one for himself too, and suddenly, we could hear loud shouts and growling coming from the other end.

"Definitely a rassawolf," Roe muttered. "We can't let them get past this point."

"Why not?"

"There's a bunch of portals a few floors below us. I don't want to take the risk of losing our target now," he explained hastily.

"Agreed," I said sternly. "This needs to end now."

We listened in silence to the approaching noises. When Eru started growling quietly, I took a better hold on my spear. They were almost here. The yells and shouts were coming closer and closer, and suddenly, we saw an older man running down the ramp. At first, I thought he was running for his life.

"Get them, girl!" he shouted and chuckled as he continued his way towards us.

He didn't seem afraid.

"That must be him," Roe muttered and stepped forward.

The man was too busy watching his step to notice us at first. He was breathing heavily, but he seemed to be in high spirits. He was having fun. He was still snickering when he finally spotted us and stopped.

"Oh, the demons! Lara! Come here!" he shouted, peering over his shoulder, and the almost white rassawolf came running down the ramp, the ground shaking under her weight. "Let's see if you guys are so tough as my grandson thinks you are."

"Don't you mean your dead grandson?" I asked in a mocking tone.

"You should be dead too, mister warlock," he said. "I was wondering where he left, but no matter. Death is only an illusion, am I right?"

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