"It-" Bumblebee watched where it had disappeared, "It looked like... a miniature Soundwave. But it transformed into Laserbeak."

         "How could that be?" Fixit was officially panicked as he rolled around in a circle. "Laserbeak attached to Soundwave, and Soundwave was banished into the Shadow Zone!" He gasped, slowly turning his helm to look at the deactivated portal. "That was the Shadow Zone."

         "Uh," Russel scratched his head, "what's a Shadow Zone?"

     Bumblebee had Strongarm and Grimlock search for the mysterious not-Laserbeak (though not-Soundwave was also used), explaining to the two humans exactly what had happened years prior. The unfortunate happening with Miko, Jack and Raphael, how they used that little known knowledge to banish the Decepticon Communications Officer and later, the escape of the traitor, (Y/N).

         "(Y/N) is a human name." Danny noted, fisted hands on his hips. "What is a Cybertronian doing with a human name?"

     The sound of laughter met the ears and audio of the group, all peering to find this strange Soundwave look-alike waving his arms in the air as Grimlock bounced around with him on his dino-form's back plates. The big bot was equally as joyful, Strongarm cracking a smile as the small double waved at her excitedly. 

         "(Y/N)-" Bumblebee hesitated to tell that story, wondering if he should show how easily they were duped by the woman. "(Y/N) was a human, worked for M.E.C.H. before abandoning them. She was found by the Decepticons from an energon signature deep in an unknown mountain range. We still don't know where it was she was hiding before they found her, but we do know they took her in, gave her new optics since she had been attacked and lost her eyesight and made it look like she was being experimented on before we found her. She was a spy, and later returned to the Decepticons to be transformed into a Cybertronian. We don't know how, but the Decepticon scientist Shockwave was successful."

         "She was turned into the exact double of Soundwave." Strongarm nodded, having learned about the traitor and deserter. "From his visor to his very actions. The Decepticon logs aboard the Nemesis, or what was left of them, revealed they were in perfect synchronization with each other."

     Bumblebee nodded solemnly.

         "We were only fortunate her connection with Soundwave was not only through a shared wavelength of thought but also a shared feeling. When he disappeared through the Shadow Zone portal, she followed after him, likely finding him and reuniting. Less problems for us since they were officially banished and forever trapped."

         "You mean, they both have just been roaming Earth like- like ghosts?" The group shivered at the idea, then peered at their still silent guest.

     The smaller being was taller than Danny, its little shoulders bobbing as if he were laughing, but no sound came from his vocals. If he had any. When he caught sight of Bumblebee, the creature shrunk behind Grimlock's back, suddenly shy.

         "It seems to recognize you." Russel noted. "This Laserbeak, maybe he could transform?"

         "No." Fixit answered, rolling closer to the Dinobot as their guest climbed down gracefully to inspect the Minicon. "Laserbeak became compact to attach to Soundwave's torso, like a plate of armor. This guy I think is a completely different organism."

     Their newcomer poked at the small bot, Fixit chuckling as he was tickled. The look-alike seemed friendly enough, though took a step back if Bumblebee neared him at all, even if his visor was solely focused on Fixit. This made the leader think. 

One is Company, Two is a Shadow  ++Soundwave x Reader++Where stories live. Discover now