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kalynn pulls up to the airport, stuck in the big line of cars by the doors. she needs to wait it out so she can get into the huge parking garage.

after some time, she gets through and goes to find a spot. you hope she chooses one that's relatively close to the entrance. you're too tired to even think about walking too far.

"alright wake up," she parks the car close enough, shaking weston's shoulder. his eyes wink open slowly as he lifts his head off of his hands.

he throws his head back, closing his eyes for just a few more seconds before blindly reaching for his door handle.

you hop out, grabbing your backpack and walking up towards the outside of his door. you open his door for him, you couldn't handle watching him struggle to find the handle on his own much longer.

"you guys need to wake up, we're going to virginia baby!" james walks up next to you, rolling your suitcase out of the drunk and next to you.

"yeah we're going to virginia in 4 hours," you grab your suitcase handle, "why are we here so early?"

"mom taught us to always come early. better than missing the plane entirely," he says knowingly, something about the way he's speaking frustrating you.

"alright," you mumble, starting to walk over towards the entrance.

"not a morning person either, huh?" kalynn starts walking next to you, "weston was a pain to handle this morning."

"seems like it," you turn around to see weston trudging his way over to you guys next to james.

"anyways, what movie do you wanna watch for the flight? we could watch two if you want. we'll be on the plane for like 5 hours so we'd have enough time to," she asks quickly, swerving between people to get to the doors.

"i was just gonna ask you that. i have no clue, i have like every streaming program though so we'll find something," you yawn, walking through the big glass entrance.

you and kalynn head towards the security with james and weston following close behind. airports never gave you the best feeling. there's just so many strangers there, people from literally all over the world. especially since it's in la, everyone comes here during the summer.

you pass by multiple food places as you head towards security, your stomach is screaming for some.

you finally reach security, waiting for james and weston so that you can stand in line together. of course the line is insanely long, you don't know why there's not just multiple security locations.

"how long do you think this'll take?" weston asks with a quiet groan, he's the only one on the same page as you. all you want to do is get on the plane and sleep while kalynn watches your guys' movie.

"an hour or so," she shrugs like it's nothing, earning two dramatic reactions from both you and weston.

"you guys don't have to stay in line. we'll move your suitcases for you, just come back in like 45 minutes. go get food or something," she shrugs as she pulls out her phone.

you didn't wanna be 'those people' who come back after 45 minutes and skip the whole line, but you're also so hungry. you either risk being screamed at by people on a full stomach, or starve in the line.

"fine," you push your suitcase towards kalynn, "anyone else coming? i'm getting food."

"please," weston nods, shoving his suitcase into james' legs.

"yeah that's fine we'll just stay here," james mumbles sarcastically, turning towards kalynn. you and weston were already on the move to the nearest food place.

"if you see a trash can, tell me. i've got like 6 water bottles in here and i can't even bring them onto the stupid plane," your back is genuinely starting to hurt now, there's so much weight in this bag.

"here," he cocks his head to the right, walking towards an auntie anne's pretzel factory and gesturing for you to follow him.

"please can i get rid of these water bottles first," you practically groan, only seeing weston grin and continue to motion you over towards him.

"hi, we've got six unopened waterbottles. how many pretzels would that give us?" he taps on the counter as you pull a confused face.

"what're you do-" he nudges your shoulder, shushing you.

"we can give you five if you'd like. flavor?" the employee responds casually, only sparking off your confusion more.

"3 salted and 2 cinnamon please," he stands behind you, zipping open your backpack. each water bottle gets pulled out individually, ready to be exchanged for some pretzels.

"have a nice day," she nods, handing us five little bags of pretzels.

"you too," he smiles, moving you out of the line with him.

"that's a thing?"

"exchanging waterbottles for pretzels? yeah. few years ago i did it as a joke, but turns out that airport auntie anne's have major waterbottle shortages. it's cause it's right near the entrance, everyone stops there to get one," he grins, holding out the pretzels for you to choose one.

"i feel like they're just losing money," you pick a cinnamon one, "why can't they just buy more water bottles, it's cheaper."

"don't ask me," he throws his hands up in defense, "i'd rather them continue to do this though. it's like a special airport thing, nobody's ever just in the airport for fun. you only get pretzels for water like, once every year."

"true," you nod, biting into your pretzel. "you want coffee?"

he looks down at his phone for the time, "yeah sure. peet's?"

your eyebrows raise as you nod, you haven't been there in years. you almost forgot about it.

you both walk through the airport for some time, desperately trying to find where peet's is. you've both eaten two pretzels by now, you planned on saving two for kalynn and james but it didn't work out.

"i'm just saying, it might be a better idea to just do nothing the first day we're there. we can just go to the pools tonight, but no amusement parks today," you reason with him, taking a bite into the last salted pretzel.

"you might be right. amusement park tomorrow though?" he gestures his hand out in front of you, asking for the pretzel you've already started eating.

"definitely," you hand him the pretzel and swallow your bite. he bites out of the side you didn't eat, handing it back to you so you could continue eating it.

"why is there no map in this airport," he asks impatiently, putting his hand in front of you again to ask for another bite.

"haven't we been here before? one of us has to know where it is," you hand him the pretzel again, rubbing your hands together to get some of the extra salt off of your hands.

"it's one hundred percent on the right," he nods his head confidently, giving you the pretzel back. you both continue sharing the pretzel as you walk to what seems like nowhere, almost completely lost.

"we have to be back in 15 minutes," you warn him, all you want is a peet's coffee right now.

"finally!" he lifts his hands up to the big peet's sign. which thankfully, didn't have too much of a line.

you both jog over to it, ordering your coffees so you could make it back to security on time.

since it wasn't too busy, youre on the way back to kalynn and james in a matter of minutes. the plane leaves in about 2 hours, too much time to sit around and do nothing.

sorry for the wait

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