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help i just re-read ten and realized how many times i said "you both" omfg sorry

3 days later.

your eyes snap open, along with your body being shaken awake. you look up at james, who's aggressively shaking you to wake up. it's so early, the sun hasn't even rose yet.

"get up we're leaving in 20," he shouts over you, already fully dressed and ready to go.

you groan, "but the flight leaves in like 5 hours."

"better early than late," he shrugs as he walks back out your door. you huff, standing up and making your way over towards your dresser. thankfully, you already folded the clothes to wear today on top of it.

you just plan on wearing shorts and a sweatshirt, not needing to go full out for the flight over. it's about 5 hours in total, you just need to be comfortable.

your makeup is already packed in your bag, so you don't put anything on today. it's probably best, the last thing you want is to have to worry about keeping your mascara intact if you decide to sleep.

the carry-on you packed has basic plane stuff in it. just some snacks and your laptop. the last time you were on a plane you got yelled at for bringing your laptop, you don't know what you'll do if you can't have it this flight. you and kalynn planned to watch a movie the way over.

you grab your suitcase and throw on your backpack carry-on, trudging out the door with tired eyes. you look up at the front door, seeing james' suitcase with a plane pillow wrapped around the handles of it. it's one of those things that wrap around your neck and have little beads in them.

"don't tell me you're wearing that thing on the plane," you pull a disgusted face, confused when he even bought that.

"yeah i am? you're gonna wish you have one. what're you planning on sleeping on?" he answers loudly, obviously more awake than you are.

"i don't know," you pull an annoyed shrug, "i'll just lay on kalynn."

"i'm sure she'll be thrilled to hear that she's your source of comfort for this five hour flight. you better hope this plane isn't a three in a row seat thing, you might have a little stranger next to you."

"mm good thing it's not," you shake your head at him dramatically, really not in the mood for him to mess with you right now. "kalynn told me. it's a two seat row. one row on the left, one on the right, and one in the middle."

"still might have a stranger close to you," he says carelessly, grabbing his phone and holding onto his suitcase.

"are we seriously leaving right now? i'm hungry," you can't help but groan, you just woke up 15 minutes ago. you aren't ready for the airport already.

"kalynn and weston are already outside. it's now or never y/n," he explains impatiently, already making his way out the door. you roll your eyes, tugging your suitcase along behind you.

you shut the door, locking it from the outside and handing james the key. you'll easily lose it if it's kept with you.

"good god it's early," you mumble down the hall, hearing your neighbors white noise machines through their doors. what you would do to be the one sleeping with a white noise machine in the back right now.

"i didn't know you were this much of a morning hater," he looks behind him to look at you, watching you slouch lazily with you luggage.

"i don't trust you morning people," you glare at him with tired eyes. you shouldn't have went to bed at 3 last night, you only got two hours of sleep.

your back is starting to hurt from carrying your backpack. maybe shoving your laptop in there along with some water bottles was a bad idea.

you throw your head back in realization, just now remembering the fact that you can't bring liquids in your carry-on. all this agony on your back and for nothing.

james opens the door to outside, coming in contact with kalynn's car. she's driving, weston is half asleep in the passenger seat.

"morning," she smiles at you two, both of you smiling back.

you walk up towards weston's side of the car, it's the closest side to the sidewalk. james hops in the backseat, making conversation with kalynn.

you stop at weston's door, meeting his half awake eyes.

"hey," you hold your hand out, watching him raise his slowly.

"morning," you do your secret handshake, both too tired to even think about it. your hands lazily collide, swiftly doing combination you guys made when you were 12 before pulling apart.

you hop in the back seat, leaving the middle seat open. you really couldn't handle sitting right next to james right now.

you and weston have definitely became closer over the past two weeks. you wish you'd be back to how it used to be by now, but some part of you knew that was an impossible ask.

you can tolerate each other, but it's still all kind of hesitant. it's as if you both think you'll say or do something wrong whenever you hang out.

about a week ago you went to a party together. of course james and kalynn were there too, but you and weston were really in your own world the whole time.

you were both a little cross-faded, which was rare. it's not a common thing for you to smoke, it's not common for him either. you're both very cautious about your consumption of anything, but especially with drugs.

thankfully it ended up being fine, you didn't do anything stupid. but the whole night you spent your time reciting the handshake you guys made 7 years ago. you've never laughed harder, it was such a fun night.

since then that handshake kinda became a routine thing. you're more than happy about it, it's one thing that feels normal with him. it's like an instinct now, you see eachother, you do it.

it's around 2 seconds long, you had to shorten it since the original was probably a full 30 seconds.

kalynn starts the car, turning on very quiet music in the background. james is on his phone, probably texting someone. you can't bring yourself to looking at screens right now, so you just rest your eyes for a bit.

the airport is about 50 minutes away from your apartment. you have some time to sleep if you want to, but you don't wanna force yourself to.

you look out the window to get a good look at the side mirrors. weston reflects through it, dead asleep in the front seat.

his head is held up but his hand, eyes peacefully closed. your glad he's not a snorer, you wouldn't be able to handle him snoring in the next room every night.

your stomach is basically growling at this point for some food. you just don't want to be that one person who makes the whole car make a pit stop just because you're hungry.

you can get something at the airport. with the time they decided to leave, you'll have hours to get something to eat. you wish they chose a later time for this plane to leave.

all you want to do is watch movies with kalynn on the plane right now. you really wanted to skip the whole 'waiting by the gate for 3 hours' time period.

got some extra time so i wrote bc im bored. ty ty ty for almost 20 votes on chap nine what?!!! appreciate them so so much

hesitant [wk]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora