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kinda short bc i'm in class SRY!

the car door slammed shut as you sat down. weston is already in the drivers seat, starting up the car as you get settled.

"why don't you have your own license?" he asks genuinely. you're kinda confused, you would've thought james told him by now. he has the same rule as you do.

"my older brother was a really irresponsible driver. got into some bad accidents and stuff and completely changed my parents perspective. we're not allowed to get our licenses until we're 20 now. which is fine, only like 3 more months," you shrug while buckling your seatbelt.

"weird," he pulls out of the parking garage, swiftly turning out and into the crowded street.

you don't really know what to say. your mind is groaning at yourself, cringing at your inability to make conversation. you just didn't know why it has to be so hard to be normal around him.

"anyways," you try and think of a topic, "are you, excited for virginia?" unsurprisingly, that was the only thing you could think of.

he nods, "will you go on the big roller coasters?" he takes his eyes off the road to look at you for a second. god, you're so tired of this kind of small talk.

"probably, why?"

"dunno," he shakes his head, "you seem like the type of person to pussy out on big rides."

you sigh, shifting your head out towards your window, "alright." you aren't angry at him for that, the tone you used was more of a 'this is the end of the conversation' type thing.

you lasted a whole 3 minutes soberly talking to each other. what he said wasn't upsetting to you, you didn't take it as personally as he might've wanted you to. you just wished he could have a conversation with you without saying pointless stuff like that.

the rest of the ride was silent. the only noise between you two being the quiet song out of his speakers. he pulls up to your apartment complex for the second time in 12 hours, it all seeming too similar.

you open the car door, stepping out and grabbing your phone.

"wait, y/n," weston's voice calls at you from inside the car, stopping you from shutting the door. you look at him, not saying anything but signaling for him to keep talking.

"sorry if what i said made you mad, or something. that seriously wasn't my intent, at all," he talks with his hands nervously. you're not really too sure why, you thought your body langage made it clear that you weren't upset.

"you're fine, don't worry about it. i'll see you later," you smile in reassurance, him returning the smile unsurely. you shut the door, walking towards your apartment complex.

just as last night, you hear him drive off once he sees your in the building. once hes out of view of the glass doors, you throw your head back in frustration. you really only have 13 days until the virginia trip and you and weston have made little to no progress in tolerating eachother.

on the ride up to your floor you run into your neighbor, who greeted you with a welcoming smile. you wave, passing by them to get to your door.

you unlock your door harshly and shut it behind you. you can't seem to get your mind to calm down, there's too many things racing through it.

part of you wishes the trip was sooner than two weeks away, that way you can just pack your stuff and plan everything. you always feel like packing your stuff for a trip kind of calms you down about it. it's kinda give you a new perspective. imagining yourself with the certain textures of clothes help you bring the idea of the trip to reality.

the other part of you wishes the trip is even farther away. two weeks is a long time for a vacation, at least for you. you grew up with short 4/7 day trips to the beach.

the trip isn't as big of a deal for james and kalynn. they're both on good terms with everyone who's going, you and weston are seriously the only people who truly fell off. you can't remember why, you two used to be the closest out of everyone back in middle school.

you sit by your counter, grabbing an apple and biting into it. james is still asleep, you can hear the fan in his room going.

your phone buzzes, shocking you a little.

WesXD imessage

you choke on your apple, laughing as you cough up the piece of fruit stuck in your throat. you haven't texted him since 2016, you honestly forgot you still had his number.

you don't read the text just yet, you need to get done what needs to get done. you go into the contact information, clicking on the name. you change it to weston koury, the same way you have everyone else.

you see the images underneath the contact information, making you laugh harder. countless photos of you and weston when you were both 14. some with snapchat filters, some candids, some with kalynn and james.

you click off the contact information, going into the message chain to see what he said.

weston koury
ty for the advil btw

you read over the message, starting to type out your response but stopping. your eyes skim over the messages from before this one, the date saying May 7th, 2016. 9:56 PM. the use of emojis hurting your eyes.

ur welcome WesXD

weston koury
lmfao yours was smth like that for me too

you don't really know what to say, hes kinda dry over text you guess. most people who say 'lmfao' aren't actually laughing or they are laughing but wanna hide that they are.

you don't respond, not wanting to say the wrong thing and make the situation even worse. you put your phone down on the counter, standing up and chucking your apple core into the trash can.

you grab a glass of water, feeling the need for a drink after you violently choked over weston's previous contact name.

it did get you a little sad to see you and his old texts though. you can't piece together why your relationship with him has changed so much.

April 24, 2016   8:12 AM



Do you wanna go down to Rita's


Kalynn is coming now

It's ok I'll bring James and they can distract eachother

Okay hahaha
Let's bike down


I won't I won't
Got it in my pocket

James and I are on our way
Omg it is soo nice out here

Wait up we see you guys on Pine Street

the texts end there before going into another random conversation from a day after that. You remember that day, it turned out weston actually did forget his money. what you would do to go back to 2016.

this is an actual conversation i had w my friend in 2016 i thought it was funny lol
good times

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