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i thought i posted this last night oops

the sheer sound of your alarm going off made your body jerk into your seat. you turned it off, taking off your headphones and shutting off your pc.

you still have about a half hour until kalynn gets here, so you just decide to make yourself some food before you go.

you ruffle your hair through your fingers, trying to fix it after your headset wrecked it. the door squeaked as you opened it, walking towards your kitchen.

you and your twin brother live in an apartment in los angeles, you've lived here for a few years now. you both met the kourys when you were in middle school, and kinda fell out with them for awhile.

conveniently, they were already living in la once you moved here. over time, you all got close again and basically relived your middle school friend group.

the only difference is that it's not too much of a group. it's mainly just you and kalynn and then weston and james. you never hang out with everyone, you guess over time everyone kinda changed.

you walk passed the living room, slightly surprised to see weston sitting on your couch. you usually wouldn't be, hes over here a lot, but they were supposed be at aksel's a half hour ago.

you ignore his presence, walking passed him and into the kitchen. his face is dug into his phone anyway.

the fridge is practically empty, you both have a habit of forgetting to go grocery shopping. you grab a hot pink post it note, writing a reminder for yourself to buy food. the post it gets slapped onto the side of the fridge, hopefully where you'll be able to see it.

you end up pulling out an apple, having to work with what you can. you grab an apple cutter along with a cutting board, placing the wood board carelessly onto the counter tops.

after running the apple under the tap, you align the apple slicer with the center of the fruit.

you hover your body over top of it, using everything you can to try and get it down to the bottom. these things never actually work as easy as they do in the info-mercials.

the slicer goes uneven, along with the sound of the plastic snapping.

"oh fuck off," you whisper to yourself, taking out the cutter and tossing it in the trash. you resort to a regular knife, cutting it carefully so you don't slice a finger open.

"could've fixed it, you know," you look up at the sound of weston's voice, seeing him watching you struggle from over the back of the couch.

"if you wanna go dig it up in the trash and fix it up, be my guest," you gesture towards the trash, accidental annoyance slipping through your tone.

he slumps back into the couch, getting lost in his phone again. you nod to yourself, putting the used knife in the sink and grabbing apple slices one by one.

you sit on top of the counter, pressing your bare back against the cabinets. kalynn is on her way, she texted you a few minutes ago.

you sit on your phone will munching on your fruit, toying with the straps of your swim suit every once in a while.

"are you going to a pool party or something?" you look up at him again, confused why he's still here. also confused about where james even is.

"no," you hop off the counter, "fire pit. you already knew that, kalynn literally asked you to go."

"yeah but, usually people don't wear bathing suits to those things," he reasons with you, putting on a slightly judgemental face.

"have you ever even been to one, weston?"

"yeah, and swim suits aren't the thing to wear all the time just because it's summer."

"i could say the same thing to you about you and your sweaters," you put the cutting board in the sink, "it's 90 degrees out."

"at least i dont wear swim shorts everywhere," he mumbles, tugging at the sleeve of his sweater.

"it's okay to admit you like seeing girls in swim suits all season," you smile, toying with him, "i like it too. no shame!"

"that's the exact opposite point i was trying to make," he just barely furrows his eyebrows, throwing his right hand up in the air.

"to me, it just sounded like you were trying to make me believe you're against it," you shrug, "but you're really not. don't worry, i don't think of you as any more of a pervert," his face grows more confused as you continue to imply that he was saying the opposite of his goal.

"i was saying i don't get why women only wear bikini tops in the summer. i mean obviously i don't care, you can do what you want. i just don't get it," he speaks with his hands, desperately trying to get you to understand.

you get a text from kalynn, saying she's outside in her car.

"my feminist savior, those words mean so much. tell aksel i say hi," you smile, waving as you leave the apartment to meet with kalynn.

"yo," you open kalynn's passenger door, shutting it behind you.

"hey! oh my god, your top is really cute," she smiles at you, putting her hands back on the steering wheel to get ready to pull out.

"yours too, that color always looks so nice on you," you refer to the deep brown of her swimsuit, buckling your seat belt.

"why is weston still over at yours?"

"no clue. he was ranting to me about how he doesn't get why women wear swimsuits all summer," you speak as you skip around your playlists.

"seriously? that's so unlike him," she laughs, making a sharp turn.

"what do you mean?" you laugh with her as well, trying to understand what about it was "unlike" him.

"i don't know, he usually stays in his business. like he just genuinely doesn't care about whether or not girls cover up. tells me about it all the time, him and james had to leave a party just because everyone there was in some form a misogynist. just surprising that he said that," she shrugs, the wind running through her hair.

"he tried to redeem himself, said he doesn't care and we can do what we want. good save."

"dear god," she shakes her head, parking where the fire pit always takes place.

"c'mon, let's go," she shuts off the car, opening her door as you follow her out.

nothing has happened so far yikes sry sry

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