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"two weeks?" you stare at kalynn dumbfounded, surprised that she's down for leaving in a short 14 days. virginia isn't just a day trip to the beach, it's across the country from you guys. you don't even have plane tickets.

"yes. that's more than enough time. we bought you guys tickets too. so we actually kinda have to go in two weeks," she pulls a worried face, probably thinking you'll be upset that the tickets have already been bought.

"you didn't have to buy us tickets, kalynn," you shake your head.

"weston's the one who wanted to, it's out of his bank account," she shrugs, smiling.

"why'd you say 'we' bought you tickets then," you chuckle quietly, leaning back on her couch.

"so i could seem like the better friend," she says sarcastically, walking into her kitchen and opening the cabinets.

"is there a pool at the hotel?" you ask while peeking over the couch. their apartment had a very similar set up to yours.

"a huge one," she nods, "there's purple lights around it too. we also have little hot tubs on the porches of our rooms."

"good lord kalynn how expensive are these rooms?" you stare at her completely shocked, too many things coming up at once.

"again, weston paid for them!"

"he's paying for the rooms too?" you raise yourself higher on the couch, using your arms as leverage.

she nods excitedly, "great isn't it."

"james and i can pay for meals," you try and find a way to even everything out. the last thing you want is for him to pay for the entirety of the trip.

"ok that's fine," she walks back over to you, "we should go shopping for the trip."

"we should," you smile, "i did just go shopping though."

"what for?"

"swim suits, and the shirt i wore last night," she sits back down on the couch next you as you speak.

"swimsuit shopping alone? yikes, that's never fun," she shakes her head.

"mm trust me i know, took me ages too," you roll your eyes and flop against the back of the couch.

you're very excited for the virginia trip, it seems like it'll actually be really nice. you have some time to become buddy-buddy with weston, part of you is hoping it's enough.

last night was the first time you've made him genuinely laugh with you since you were 14. of course your mind is telling you it's because of the alcohol. he had some drinks too, not nearly as much as you. but the thought of both of your minds needing to be contaminated with alcohol for you to be civil is scary.

weston's door opens, he must've just woken up. it's only 10 am, you came over here early.

hes wearing grey sweatpants, the waist line of his boxers peaking through under them. hes not wearing a shirt either, catching you off guard for just a split second. his hair is close to horrendous, it makes you wonder if he brushes his hair before he leaves his apartment.

he walks past you and kalynn without a word, heading into the kitchen and opening the fridge lazily.

"good morning," kalynn says to him with a confused look, probably surprised he's so silent.

he grabs the milk carton and closes the fridge, turning around to face the two of you from across the room. "morning."

kalynn exhales, turning back around to face the tv show you guys are watching.

"where's the advil?" his voice is scratchy, almost like it's strained.

"we're out, sorry," kalynn shouts to him. he rolls his eyes, opening the medicine cabinet and continuing to look for the advil they didn't have.

"i have some in my bag," you suggest to kalynn first, knowing weston will say no.

"oh, great," she smiles, nodding towards weston. you stand up and dig through your bag while you walk over to him. you always keep ibuprofen on you, never know when you'll need it.

"here," you hand out 2 pills in front of him, waiting for him to grab them. he lifts his head up from the cereal he poured himself and looks at you.

his eyes were red, obviously sleep deprived. the not so subtle bags underneath his eyelids proving your thoughts.

his hand reaches into yours to grab the pills, pulling your attention away from his eyes and onto your now empty hand.

"thanks," he places them on the counter next to his bowl. his hand is holding him up as he slightly leans over the counter to eat his cereal, he doesn't have a chair.

you grab a glass from the cabinet, filling it half way with tap water and setting it down next to the pills.

"sorry, i was gonna get that after i ate, you didn't need to," he shakes his head, looking down at the glass of water.

"it's just water," you laugh, "i was just helping you out," you leave the kitchen and sit back down with kalynn.

"how many rooms did you book?" she asks him, still looking over the back of the couch.

"two," he says blandly, his mouth full with cereal. the two pills were still on the counter. you guess he's waiting until he has a full stomach.

"me and you in one and james and y/n in one?"

"no," he fills his empty bowl with water, "me and james in one and you and y/n in the other. they're right next to eachother, it doesn't matter. the porches connect, we share one hot tub out there."

you smile giddily towards kalynn, her doing the same. the trip keeps getting more and more exciting, you couldn't contain yourself.

"i'm gonna head home and plan some stuff out for a bit. i'll text you later?" you ask her while standing up, grabbing your phone off of the table.

"you sure you're fine with an uber?"

"of course. i'm gonna have to do this until i'm 20. rules are rules," you say sarcastically. part of you is still angry at your mom for making the drivers license rule.

"i'll drive you. if you want me too," weston unexpectedly offers from the kitchen, both you and kalynn's heads whipping over towards him.

"that'd be great actually," you smile, excited to get more one on one time with him. you truly didn't want to be the reason why the trip is horrible, you always hate that person.

he walks into his room for a quick second and grabs a blue sweater. he throws it over his bare chest carelessly, ruffling his hand through his hair and calling it a day.

"i'll be back," he says through the doorway to kalynn. you're already out the door, just waiting for him to come out with you.

the door shuts, only the two of you on the outside of it.

"progress, hm? stepping up and offering to drive me, bonus points for keeping me from being kidnapped by an uber driver," you say with a small smile, looking at him to your left.

"dont fucking push it," he responds with a timid grin, shaking his head and spinning the keys around his fingers.


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