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BTWW i was planning on doing more of an enemy type relationship but tbfh it feels cringy writing chapters where they're like horrible to eachother so sry

"i'm thinking we can all go somewhere this summer," kalynn suggests hesitantly, tapping the side of her iced coffee.

"like, the four of us? me, you, james, and weston?" you question her while finding a good seat at the cafe.

"i think it'd be fun! we just haven't hung out with all of us since we were like 14. i was hoping we could all go to virginia," she says the last part quieter than the rest, sure of what my reaction would be.

"virginia? that's across the country from us. five hour flight at least," you raise your eyebrows as she nods her head.

"i know! but don't you think it'd be fun? there's this really cool hotel that i wanted to stay in, and then we can go to amusement parks and stuff for the time we're there. i wanted to go two weeks, i figured if we're gonna go across the country we should stay longer," she talks with her hands, apparently having a well thought out plan.

you look at her, starting to feel yourself slightly smile. the more you think about it the more exciting it seems. you've been to virginia once when you were around 11. it's actually really fun there, you wouldn't mind heading down there with everyone.

"it could actually be really fun," you grin, seeing her smile at your potential acceptance.

"yay! tell james about it, weston already agreed to it. if we can all go it'll be so nice, even for that split second when we were all together last night it just made me so happy."

her excitement makes you chuckle quietly as you shake your coffee in your hand. the two of you talked mindlessly for about an hour before deciding to head home.

your footsteps echo against the hallway floor as you get closer to your apartment.

your keys clash together quietly, your hand turning your door knob open. you walk in, shutting the door behind you and kicking off your shoes.

james is watching atypical in the living room, his feet propped up against the coffee table.

"hey, how would you feel about going to virginia this summer?" you cut to the chase while flopping onto the couch next to him.


"virginia. we were thinking we can all go down. 'all' meaning me, you, kalynn, and weston," you explain quickly while picking at your nail polish.

he doesn't seem too fazed by the offer, at least not as surprised as you were. the look on his face is nothing more than debating if he'd be free.

"that'd be great actually," he nods, shrugging, "as long everyone gets along. i can only listen to you and weston bicker for so long."

"it'll be fine. he already agreed to it," you say slightly annoyed. kind of feeling like him bringing up the possibility that you and weston could ruin everything was unnecessary.

you stand up, walking over to your room and shutting the door. it's relatively early, only about 11am. you'd usually have plans for the day, but being completely honest with yourself you've got nothing.

you get a text from kalynn, reading it as you lay into your bed.

kalynn koury
btw party 2nite pls come aksel is driving

you internally groan, not really sure if you're down for another party. then again, you have to prepare yourself, this'll probably be the usual rotation throughout all of summer.

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