Chapter 22: Bijuu hunting

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I woke up in a light room

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I woke up in a light room. My head rested on something that didn't remind me of a pillow. I looked up to Itachi's smiling face.

"Hello, love" he said "I will never let you go near shinobis of Sunagakure again"

I sat up quickly. I felt dizzy, Itachi had to hold me.

"W..What the hell happened?" I asked.

"You almost died again" said Itachi. He looked down. I bet he was wondering if he should tell me the truth or not. "You... you know, right? Who... who is the real leader of the Akatsuki. You saw him in my memories. If you understand this part, the whole thing will make sense"

I remembered. The masked man, who went by the name of Tobi in the Akatsuki, acting like a total idiot. Meanwhile his true identity was... Uchiha Madara. The feared and strong shinobi.

"Why... Why did Madara save me?" I asked.

"Don't use his real name, Amane" he said. "Not everyone knows about it. And to answer your question... I'm not quite sure. All I know is that Pain gave the order to Sasori to kill you, because he didn't trust you, but Tobi has a different opinion"

"He wants to use me in the future?" I asked.

"Maybe. Or me. I don't know. But let me tell you, this is terrible news. Don't misunderstand me, I am more than happy that you're alive" he gave me a soft little kiss on the forehead. "But... now both of us owe him and... I don't know who has to pay the price. If it's me, it doesn't really matter, I am not a long term investment. So I think... I think he wants something from you"

"From me?" I asked. I was confused. "What can I offer him? I am not even close to be as strong as any Akatsuki member"

"Your eyes, Amane" he said. "Your eyes are quite useful and stronger than a sharingan when it comes to alternating memories. Plus he probably knows about my illness. He expects you to be so heartbroken to happily help him in his plans and paying back the favor"

"You're right" I sighed. "I should've died"

He didn't say a word. I knew he loved me, and didn't wish me to die, but the situation was just straight fucked up.

"And what happened after?" I asked. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Not so long, but the past few days were quite eventful" he had a nervous smile. "Uhm... Deidara and Sasori captured the Kazekage, we took the biju out of him, he basically died, then Konoha interrupted, the Kazekage lives, Sasori died and Tobi took his place"

"What?!" I didn't even know which part should I ask about first. But Itachi told me everything with details.

"Anyway, how do you feel, love?" Itachi asked.

"I am a little hungry and dizzy but otherwise... I feel surprisingly good"

"Good" he said and kissed me passionately. He immediately started undressing me.

I felt even dizzier after we finished.

We just dressed up when Kisame entered the room.

"Oh, hello little lady. Would you stop being stabbed with poisonous stuff?"

"Oh, hello Kisame, I didn't want to get stabbed in the first place"

"Shocking. Well, we are glad you're awake. It's time to hunt some tailed beasts"

It's time was a rather exaggerated thing to say. We spent a couple weeks, looking for information. During that time period the two-tails and the seven-tails got captured. But we found a trace to the four-tails.

Kisame left to track it down.

"It's crazy" I said.

"What's crazy?" asked Itachi.

"You know... we spent more than two years with doing almost nothing... And now... everything went crazy. I... I don't know if I can still be myself"

He held my head in his hands.

"My dear Amane..." he kissed me softly. "I hate that I'm so selfish and can't let you go... Promise me again, that you will go home when you can... please"

"I... I will try... But until then... you don't get rid of me" I smiled at him and kissed him.

Kisame came back soon.

"Guess who found the four-tails' jinchuriki" he was clearly proud of himself.

He led us to the location. The jinchuriki was a middle-aged man, who had lived with his tailed beast for forty years. He would be a tough one to catch.

Kisame seemed to be excited. I tried to overlook it. I loved him as a brother, but I knew his true nature when it comes to killing someone.

I knew I was a horrible person because I took part in all those things the Akatsuki did. I was wondering if I could even feel guilt in that matter.

"Okay, the plan is the next" said Kisame. "I feel a big burst of energy right now, so I will try to take him down alone"

"Kisame..." started Itachi, but Kisame stopped him.

"I trust you to interfere when you think it's needed. But as Deidara-boy could take down the Kazekage alone, I don't think there will any problem"

"And what I'm gonna do?" I asked.

"You will go around the surrounding area" said Kisame. "Send away civilians, fight shinobis, just make sure no one interrupts me"

I nodded. I was hoping no one would interrupt. But I did as Kisame said.

The fight was long. Really long. Itachi came to find me after Kisame finished.

One more bijuu in the collection.

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