Chapter 16: Memorial

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Sometimes I think about how deliberating is to leave your past behind

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Sometimes I think about how deliberating is to leave your past behind. You can learn from mistakes, and mature as a person, but getting stuck in the same place where bad things happened to you will cage you in that situation.

I lost my father and technically my mother in Hidden Volcano. The whole place was a cage and the occasions when people looked at me with sad eyes were countless.

With the Akatsuki I was nobody. My name, my origin, my previous status didn't matter. I wasn't a Hidaka anymore. I found shelter in a dangerous place, but I found people who love me and I loved them too.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Itachi.

He brought me breakfast, I was so lost in my thoughts I hadn't think about my basic human needs.

"Nothing, really. Mostly my past" I answered. We had an amazing day the day before. Too bad it already ended.

He was quiet for a couple of seconds.

"I... I wanted to ask you about if you miss... ah it's so embarrassing... I love you and I feel like I know you more than anyone, but I don't really know who you left behind"

"It's okay, Itachi" I smiled.

"No, it's not. You looked into my eyes, you know basically everything about me, my family, my best friend... everything. While I don't even know if you have anyone else except your mother"

"I said, it's okay"

"Just let me ask questions, okay. I want to know everything about you" he held my hand.

"Me too! You know about me as well, it's your turn to spill every detail" said Kisame and sat down in front of me, chewing a slice of bread. "Start with why your mother is such an asshole?"

"Kisame!" said Itachi, but he didn't need to. Kisame was right. My mother was an asshole.

"I feel like a bad person for telling this" I started. "You know, because at least she's alive, but I lost her 11 years ago when my father died. She never looked at me after with love, even though I was only eight back then. She sacrificed her life for the village. It was like she was blaming me for my father's death"

"And was it your fault, little lady?" Kisame was still chewing that stupid bread.

"I was only eight, how could it be my fault? But I admit he died protecting me"

"You two must be really close" said Itachi. But that wasn't the case.

"No, I barely knew him. He worked for the village, I didn't know him at all. He woke up before I did and came home after I went to sleep. I never saw him. I don't even know if he protected me because I was his daughter or because I was a child at a wrong place. Our village was under attack but before that I sneaked out of the house to meet my father because I wanted him to pay attention to me. He could've avoid that attack, but as I said, I was at the wrong place at the wrong time"

"In my opinion" started Kisame. "They weren't the parents of the year. Honestly, a child needs attention. Even I know that. Don't feel bad for not missing them. They weren't in your life at all"

I didn't want to talk more about this. So I changed the subject.

"And you two? Do you miss anyone?"

"Hell no" said Kisame. "There's no one to miss"

I didn't expect anything else from him. I looked at Itachi.

"Who knows? I loved many, I lost many. Thinking about missing them would make anything even more painful"

"Don't lie" said Kisame. "The date is coming"

"What date?" I asked.

"Do you remember when Itachi left for 2 days in the past 2 years, but it wasn't a mission?"

I nodded. Of course I remembered every time he wasn't around.

"Kisame, stop. Amane, I'll tell you. Because... I want you to come with me this time"

"Hey" said Kisame "And what am I supposed to do in the meantime?"

"You will come too. We'll check if the nine tail's jinchuriki is back" said Itachi.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

Itachi looked at me.

"To Konoha"

About a week passed, we were on the way to the Hidden Leaf village. I had a mission to do: I had to act like a tourist and get into Konoha to spy around. I saw the boy in their memories, I knew who I had to find.

But before that, we had a rather sad visit to do.

"Lord Third gave a final gift to me" said Itachi. "I can get into the Hidden Leaf without being noticed" he said. "But I can't stay for long. That's why you have to complete this mission"

We left Kisame behind. He just had to wait patiently for our return.

I'd never been in a Hidden Village before for obvious reasons. Konoha was truly fascinating. Shinobis and bubbly life everywhere. We were heading towards the outskirts of the village.

The past Uchiha District.

We entered unnoticed, but the district was empty after all. Itachi hid us with genjutsu and he held my hand.

"Come. I'll show you the house I lived in"

We reached the house but we didn't go inside. We stood there in silence. I wanted to say something but I didn't know what the right words would be. That was the place where Itachi lived, but also the place where he killed his own parents.

I found some pretty wildflowers nearby and took them. I made a little bouquet of them and put it on the porch.

Itachi started crying quietly and hugged me.

"Thank you" he said. We stood there for minutes.

It was so sad to think about it. He came there every year the same day after that night. The night he massacred his whole clan. By order of his beloved village.

It was impossible to choose sides, after all I saw everything. I understood why Itachi had chosen to follow those ruthless orders.
Sacrificing a whole clan saved the world from another bloody war of nations. A weakened Konoha would had led to an attack from another nation.

Sacrificing a clan to save millions.

Still, it was tragic and painful. Especially for Itachi. And I was there for him, by his side to take away some of that grief and burden.
I looked up at him and wiped off the tears of his cheeks.

He kissed my forehead.

"We can go now"

I nodded. We went back to the center of the village to start my mission. Itachi left and I stayed alone with my heavy thoughts. I felt really bad about the other morning when I told them about my family. My problems seemed so small compared to this. I couldn't imagine how Itachi dealt with all this pain and grief all this time.

In his place I would want to die, too.

Golden Eyes - (Uchiha Itachi fan fiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora