Chapter 10: Between life and death

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One year with them flew away like seconds

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One year with them flew away like seconds.

The Akatsuki was still waiting in silence and I still followed Kisame and Itachi everywhere.
I was more of a partner than a student already, my skills evolved so much.

I never talked to Itachi about his memories, we acted like that little accident never happened and Kisame seemed to not notice something had changed.

There was nothing to notice.

Except the fact I fell in love.

I was so in love it was rather a painful than a happy feeling.

I never felt love before, but as my feelings emerged in me I knew what it was.

I fell in love with Itachi.

We were in the same team, we were together all the time and it just made it worse.

I knew everything about him and that was the problem.

He was sick and he tried to hide it from us. He was dying slowly. While he had a final mission to complete.

No. I tried to stop thinking about it. My heart ached so bad, and I wish he knew that all I want is to hold his hand and make him happy for the rest of his life - even though I knew that his life is so short.

And on the top of that I knew it was impossible that he shared the same feelings with me, not even a bit.

"Why you look sad, little lady?" asked Kisame.

One year made me forget that I roam through countries with members of a criminal organization. I grew to really like Kisame and I understood why him and Itachi got along so well and why they respected each other so much.

They were both victims of their loyalty to their villages.

"I'm not sad" I answered more in a rude way than I planned.

"Oh, I see" he smiled. "It's one of those days, huh?"

I couldn't belive he referred to my period just like that.

"Can you shut up sometimes?" I asked.

"Hey, little lady, back off. I could be your father, you know."

"Oi Kisame, you're old, but not that old"

He laughed.

"You keep hurting my feelings, little lady"

I smiled. Talking to Kisame usually made me forget about my feelings. But then I looked at Itachi and it all came back in waves.

I wasn't sure when it happened. I fell in love before I looked into his memories or after? It didn't matter actually.

"Are you ready for this mission, Amane?" asked Itachi. I took part in their missions in the last couple of months. Not like I had a choice, but I gave up on my purity some time ago.

We had to steal a certain scroll from a group of shinobis from Sunagakure. The scroll worth a lot of money in the black market.

"Okay, that's the plan" started Kisame. "Me and Itachi distract them, we fight if it's necessary, while you take the scroll. You're small and fast, it should be easy"

I nodded. If we succeed no one gets hurt.

I hid in the bushes, waiting for Itachi and Kisame to start the distraction.

I didn't hear what they said to those shinobis but eventually they started to fight.

We spied on them earlier, so I knew which shinobi hid the scroll. Luckily he put down his bag with the scroll. Other lucky thing was that everyone knew that the Akatsuki works in pairs. They probably didn't know about me, the extra member or whatever I was.

I sneaked to them from the back, the fight started to get nasty but Itachi and Kisame managed it really well. I grabbed the bag and I ran back to the bushes. I started to look for the scroll and it was there. I wanted to take the bag back, but I noticed a shuriken flying, it just missed my face.

A tall shinobi jumped off the tree right before me.

"I would say it's a nice trick, but you know, we heard the news from Konoha about a pretty girl helping two Akatsuki members" he said. I panicked. I thought that the relationship between Konoha and Hidden Sand is bad, but things change I guess - but it was bad news for us.

I took my katana out, and we started fighting. We came out of the bushes, the others noticed us.

"Little lady, what the hell happened?" shouted Kisame.

"They knew about me!" I shouted back and continued my battle.

Itachi somehow managed to get close to me. He came to my back as he was still fighting his opponent.

"Did you get the scroll?" he asked.

"Yes, I got it"

"Good. Try to overpower him and run as soon as you see a chance. We take care of them and we'll meet up you know where"


I continued my fight. I could've use my eyes, but my opponent wasn't that strong - or I just got the best training.

My blade cut his arm, I thought that's my opportunity. I started going back slowly, seeking my chance to run away. I could defeat him, but I didn't want to.

He left a blind spot on his side, I ran towards him and hit him with all my strength. The air ran out of his lungs. It was my chance to run away.

And that was the moment he threw a shuriken towards me. I noticed it in time, it only scratched me on my side, not to deep. I didn't care about it, and I was ready to run with all my speed.

But my knees collapsed under me.

"Amane" I heard Itachi shouting. My sight started to get blurry as I slowly lost my consciousness. But before it happened I heard my opponent talking to me.

"I was looking for the opportunity to finally cut you... how does it feel, you bitch, to be poisoned? Your life came to an end"

I heard shouting from far away, but I couldn't understand what they said. It wasn't painful anymore. I felt like my body was soft like cotton, it was warm. The burning pain I felt before disappeared. The darkness wrapped its arms around me.

"Everything will be okay, Amane" - whispered the darkness in my ears, with its soft, deep voice.

"I am dying." - I thought. But it didn't scare me as dying was so peaceful and warm.

My only regret was that I didn't tell Itachi how I feel. It wouldn't changed anything I just wanted him to know. It might have make everything easier to him. Knowing that someone loves him. Even if it was just me, a burden to them.

The faraway voices came closer sometimes, but I didn't pay attention to them most of the time.

"I can't let her here"
"We will save her, Itachi"
"She's shaking"

"You can let me here..." - I thought.

I don't know how long I was in that state, but the pain came back. I was cold, really cold, like I lay naked in the snow. The voices were close to me, I heard everything, it just didn't make sense.

"She's shaking so much, but I already wrapped her in the blanket." - Kisame's voice said it.
That's when I felt some light weight laying on my body. It was better, but I was still cold. And the pain came back.

The darkness started clearing up.

I survived after all.

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