Greenthumb, Bitten Tongue

Start from the beginning

Tybur: 'He's getting a bit too close.'

Y/n: 'I'm tempted to see how far they're willing to push.'

Y/n: I wanted to be there. If I wasn't, who the hell knows what they would've done with you!

Eren dropped the argument, but the look he gave me said that he wasn't sated. He knew I was hiding something.

Y/n: 'Well, shit. Lotta help the rest of the room was.'

Tybur: 'This is all just a test. Don't forget that.'


At this point in time, Eren, Levi, his acolytes (I liked to call them that), and I were heading to the old Scout regiments castle. One of Levi's acolytes-couldn't tell you his name to save my life-was babbling on and on about the building's history.

Y/n: 'Does he realize that nobody gives a shit? And that he's literally wasting his breath?'

Tybur: 'Relax, just ignore him.'

Y/n: 'Kinda hard to do that when he's got the biggest mouth here.'

Levi: Hey, Kid.

I looked to my left to see Levi eyeing me.

Levi: You've been quiet. Already got someone else to have a conversation with?

I sighed.

Y/n: Why are you so dead set on trying to find out if I've got voices in my head? Which I don't, by the by.

Levi: You keep on saying that, yet you make no effort to hide it. I can see the signs clear as day.

Y/n: Why hide it when you're already aware?

Levi: My thoughts exactly.

Y/n: When I'm giving information on myself, I'll give it freely-no questions asked. But when it comes to Eren, what I know won't come from my lips.

Levi: Why put yourself at risk? Do you not value your life?

Y/n: It's not that. It's just that I'm way more...experienced than he is.

I left what I was trying to say in the air. He's a smart man; if he figures out what I mean, then good-great for him even! If he doesn't, what more does he want me to do? Shout it from the top of the walls?

Levi: So you are, huh? And if I called on you to...assist Eren, you would?

Y/n: Without a doubt. I've already chosen who I'm fighting for.

Levi turned and actually looked at me for the first time.

Levi: Is that so?

Y/n: Look, I know what I'm doing and what I'm capable of. Eren doesn't. This-it's all new to him. I've been dealing with this for quite some time now.

Levi: Kid...

Y/n: I know. And I'll tell you all about it someday, but something tells me I'll need to save it for a better suited moment. It's not a matter of if I'll tell you-it's a matter of when.

Levi: And you give me your word? You'll be 100% honest with us?

Y/n: I give you my word, Captain.

Levi: I'll take that for now, but if I ever feel that you're going back, I'll skewer you.

Y/n: No offense, Captain, but I'm something you can't handle.

He opened his mouth to say something.

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