Alter is holding me by my hand tightly so I won't get carried away or fall from the jolts. I can hear him praying but the yelling of pirates and wind are making me able to catch only some random words like mercy, end of the world, embrace, forgive our sins and I don't know what else I caught.

"Priest, thank you very much for being our ambassador so you try convince your 'Lord' accept us to 'Heaven', but grab a f*cking bucket and start throwing water out while doing that!" Ramirez yells fully sarcastically, who's closer to Alter and tries to throw water out. He stumbles many times.

He doesn't prevent well enough to finish that sentence and one more thunder very close to the ship makes the water jump inside it. The water bursts on my face and I yelp surprised. I feel my hand getting free from Alter's and I roll until my back finds the gunwale.

"FFF-! HIYA DE LA-!" My back hitted very hard and I feel paralysing from pain. I can see my legs turning red and getting filled with scales, but because the water is not enough to cover me whole, my tail haven't form yet.

"Geno are you ok?" I hear Michael's voice and I see him kneeling near me worried. But for one more time the ship jolts and me with him roll as if we're on a slide. I can only guess a big wave pushed the ship, lifted it from the bow while the stern was closer to the water. That's where we roll to.

Chosen falls for a pirate. An Afterdeath fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now