"That's enough Drake." Dimitri said cutting off the younger boy which I assumed was his little brother

"Well isn't it little Dimi." Two larger men approached and they were identical to Dimitri except a bit taller. Probably because they are older and either co-alpha's or beta and an alpha."

"And he's finally grown the balls to bring a girl." The other smirked.

"Derek." Delilah growled covering Aaron's ears.

"Sorry Dels. We are just over joyed to see Dimi." He apologized while grabbing Dimitri's shoulder.

"Courtland these are my older brothers. Derek and Darrian." He said shaking his head.

"Courtland? As in Carter?" The one who was Derek asked.

"Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you both." I smiled.

"As to you my lady." They both said. Dimitri rolled his eyes and they let go of him.

"So where is Matt, Kate and Jacelyn?" Dimitri asked.

"Matt is discussing scouting and such with some guy and Kate and Jacelyn went to get some food." Delilah answered.

"I'm surprised you aren't with them considering all the men around here." Dimitri pointed out to Derek and Darrian. Kate and Jacelyn were probably their mates.

"If someone touches them they will be headless." Derek assured. Derek and Darrian soon went off to find Kate and Jacelyn while Delilah took her son to the bathroom. Drake put his headphones in and I assumed was watching something on his phone when Dimitri turned to me.

"Care to dance, Princess?"

"Alright, but don't get mad if I step on your feet. I'm a hockey player, not a dancer." I warned taking his hand. He just laughed and lead me out to the dancefloor.

Nirvana's POV:

"Guess where your daughter is." I said to Ashton as he came back home. He sighed and collapsed tiredly on the couch next to me.

"With Taylor?" He asked tiredly taking my hand and lightly stroking it.

"She went to a christmas party with a boy."

"A boy!?" He exclaimed sitting up.

"Since when!? Why wasn't I informed!?" He exclaimed again making me laugh.

"Ashton relax. She is growing into a smart girl and she needs to find her mate so she doesn't go...on a rampage. No that's not a good word to use." I said.

"No...I get it." He sighed sitting back down.

"It was just like a minute ago we were all sitting on our bed. Watching movies and playing, taking them to hockey, dressing them...everything and now. I don't even know where all of them are." He sighed.

"They grow up Ashton. But no matter what Tyler, Austin, Jeremy, Nick and Mitchel will be our little boys and Courtland will be our little girl. I don't care how old they are." I smiled.

"I guess you're right." He said running his hand through his hair.

"Now. I have a proposal. I am bored through the day so guess what?"

"Why all the guessing Vana?" He chuckled.

"I want to..."

"Have another kid? Or children as we do know there's more of a chance for duplicates not single."

"There is still a chance and yes. I think it will be fun having more Ashton's and Nirvana's running around?" I laughed.

"Alright. Let's go then."

"Race you." I smirked jumping up and leaving.

"Vana you expect me to perform now in the task we are about to do yet I just scouted for five hours and you want a race? I don't know if I an do it."

"Then I guess I'll ask someone else...." I teased. Suddenly he growled and I smiled and ran.


The next morning I got up before Ashton and went into the bathroom tying my hair up and pulling over a sweater and Ashton's old comfy ball hockey shorts that I stole. I walked down stairs as the sun shined in through the windows. Suddenly a knock was on the door.

I walked over and opened it and I was shocked to see who it was.

"Charlie..." I whispered staring into the purple eyes of my vampire brother.

"Vana..." He said softly smiling. Charlie is on the good side but he never got anytime to break away from the vampire realm to come see me. He pulled me into a hug and I clung to him.

"Come in. No one will attack you, trust me." I promised. He stepped in uneasily and we went to the dining room and I poured him coffee. We chatted about things that have happened when Ashton walked in.

"Ashton...you remember my brother, Charlie?" I said nervously.

"I knew I smelt a vampire." He said. His muscles were clenched and his jaw was hard.

"Ashton please, I mean you no harm, I just wanted to see my sister and her family. Although we aren't the same she still is my prize possession in this world." I was always Charlie's favourite. He had the biggest soft spot for me.

"I'm watching you. If you do anything to anyone in here. Your whole exsistence will be gone." Ashton threatened.

"Ashton!" I gasped.

"Don't worry, Vana. I understand." He nodded. Ashton sat with us though he remained tense and uptight. Soon the boys woke up and joined us and later Courtland.

Courtland's POV:

I had a great night last night. I enjoyed Dimitri's family, we danced and we kissed maybe a couple times. But over all it put me in a fantastic mood. Nothing could ruin it. I walked into the kitchen wearing hockey shorts and a sweater. My hair was in a messy bun and I was all of a sudden disturbed by a chilling presence.

I turned and was greeted by a set of purple eyes and five black shadow figures in the kitchen. My vision went red instantly.

"Courtland. This is my brother, Charlie. He is a vampire." Mom said.

"Hello, Courtland." He said respectively. I glared and growled as the black figures smiled a million sharp teeth at me.

"Nirvana what's wrong?" My mother asked.

"It's the vampires who are bringing them here."

"What?" She asked. I grabbed a knife and flung it across the room and hit the black shadow in the forehead and stuck his head to the wall. The remaining four froze as their friend appeared to everyone.

"It's the vampires who bring them."

"I don't know what those things are." The vampire said.

"Sure." I said flinging two more knives so that there were two remaining. The two were shocked but they stayed still and I flung the rest of the knives so that the sunny kitchen had five dead figures all along the walls.

So much for my good mood.

The Alpha's Little Omega (Sequel to TALPT) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now