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Elle's POV

Last night was the first night I slept well in a long time. I'd like to say it's due to the many glasses of champagne I consumed plus all the sex Christian and I ended up having, which is partially true—but I think the main reason is because the heavy feeling on my chest has finally vanished.

For the entire time Christian and I were apart, I always had a strong feeling that it would only be that way for a short while. I didn't know how or when we'd find our way back to each other and frankly I was too blinded by anger to envision it, but I just knew it would happen. And it did. Not exactly in the most ideal way, but I wouldn't trade last night for the world.

My heavy eyes start to slowly flutter open, registering my surroundings. Christian's room. I slept here last night and told my parents I was over Camila's. They didn't mind, but I don't think I'd care too much if they did. All I cared about was being there for Christian. Knowing what I know now, all I want to do is love him.

And I did. Over and over and over again.

My brain feels foggy, as I sit up and rub my eyes. I can hardly see straight— an impact from my deep sleep, but I still feel giddy. Giddy and sore.

Once my eyes are able to focus, I turn to the side hoping to see Christian, only he isn't there. The previously messy sheets were fixed neatly, and on top were folded clothes. My clothes.

I can't help but smile as I reach over and grab the note. He is such a copycat!


I stepped out for a few. Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I was gonna wake you up but your ass is completely knocked out. You look so peaceful, and I know you had a tiring night. ;) Anyway, if you wake up before I'm back, here's some clothes you left here. Yes, I washed them. I left them here just in case you wanna change. You already know where the spare toothbrushes are, but I'll be back real soon anyway. I love you. I miss you.


P.s, yes I copied you. Cry about it.

"You cry about it." I giggle, replying out loud to nobody. The way I feel right now is almost the same way I did when I first discovered my feelings for Christian. The bubbly, innocent excitement. Only difference is that this time around the feelings aren't so new and a lot less scary.

I expected myself to be a lot more freaked out about Christian and Esme being siblings. She's always been a sore spot for me. But I'm not freaked out at all. I knew there was something about her face that felt more familiar than I remembered. Now I know.

Maybe this is what I need to finally give myself closure, and I can help Christian get to know this side of himself in the process.

After a few extra moments of staring at the ceiling, I finally get out of bed and make my way to the shower.

The hot water soothes my aching body, but I'm still a tad bit sore when I come out.

After brushing my teeth and getting dressed, Christian has still not come back. I have no idea where he went, but for some reason I don't feel panicked. Instead, I head downstairs to the kitchen.

It's nearly 10:30 am, and I can't hear myself think over the sound of my stomach rumbling. I'm starving. I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon. With everything that happened, food was the last thing on my mind. Unfortunately my empty stomach has caught up with me.

As I open the refrigerator pondering what I can make that won't take too long, I hear the handles of the front door begin to shift. Slightly turning my head over my shoulder, I see Christian emerge.

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