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Hi guys. Just popping in to say I appreciate y'all, as always. Also I will probably upload  a few chapters back to back since they all relate. Show this chapter love with comments and votes if you enjoy, it means the world to me!

Elle's POV

"Don't tell me you're still upset about Columbia," Camila pinches my arm lightly, forcing me out of my daze.

"I'm not." I lie, picking at my nail beds. I'm still very upset, and it's silly because I have no reason to be. It's not like I've been officially rejected, I'm just overthinking. I've been in a funk for most of the week, and I truly feel sorry for the people who've had to deal with my moods. Christian has been a saint the entire time, trying his best to make me feel better. It worked for the most part, except when I'd think about him and Micah. It sent me into an anxious frenzy every time...the thought of them sleeping together...his hands getting lost in her long blonde hair. All that, and the fact that she's no more than thirty minutes away.

"Good, it's finally Friday!" She says, as the final bell of the day rings. Thank God. I've been dreaming of this day since Monday...the weekend was finally here.

"I know right." I breathe as we exit the classroom side by side. It's not long before Camila's boyfriend scoops her up by the arm, and she waves me off. I'm kind of relieved that she went off without me. If it's one thing about Camila, she has the most buoyant personality I've ever come across. It's a pleasure most of the time, but on days like this I feel like I'm dulling her shine. Hopefully next week will be better.

I make my way down the hall, and an inevitable smile forms on my lips when I see Christian waiting for me. He's leaned up against my locker, and doesn't even notice I'm walking up to him. I nudge his arm softly to get his attention.

He looks at me with happy eyes, and pulls me into his arms. "Hi."

"Hey." I smile, and kiss his cheek. I allow myself to bask in his fresh cologne scent before pulling away.

"How was the rest of your day?" He asks, as I shove books into my locker before closing it.

"It was good, I'm just relieved that it's the weekend." I sigh, and close my eyes for a quick second.

"Ahh, okay. Plan on getting drunk to celebrate?" He teases me, and we leave the building. Being dismissed from school already has me in a better mood. I'm eager to go home, and change into comfortable clothes.

"I suppose we'll find out." I attempt to wink, earning a chuckle. "What about you? How was your day?"

One of the many many things I adore about Christian and I's relationship is that we have fun, but we're also consistent. We check on each other daily, and these simple conversations about our day mean the absolute world to me. It's really the small him bringing me coffee every morning, and reminding me to set my alarm. I always feel so cared for.

"Uneventful, but I can't complain. I'm also pretty thrilled about the weekend."

"Why? You have plans?" I look at him, as his eyes focus on the road. Does he? Are they with Micah? I wouldn't be surprised.

"No, just glad I can sleep in for once. We can make some though?" He glances at me briefly.

I do my best to disregard the waves of relief that crash into me, confirming the fact that I'm deeply insecure.

In all honesty, I have no right to oppose him hanging out with Micah. She's his friend, and only visiting. I know I can trust him, I just wish my feelings would cooperate.

"I would actually love to." Anything to avoid a repeat of what I felt this week. "Don't let this get to your head, but I actually kinda like having you around." I poke fun at him, as if I don't remind him daily how much he is adored by me.


"Yup. So if you don't mind, I took a sample of your DNA. I'll let you know how the cloning process goes."

"Wow, you're making a clone when I'm right here?"

"I'll only refer to him when you're busy." I roll my eyes playfully. He sniffles, and wipes an imaginary tear off his cheek.

"I've never been cheated on with myself before, should be interesting."

"Originals are always valued more than a replica. Don't worry." I chuckle. A few moments later we arrive in front of my house. I turn to Christian.

"Thanks for the ride." I smile, and kiss his lips. Brushing his thumb against my cheek, he kisses me back.

"It's my pleasure."

The feeling I get when I enter my house is equivalent to a weight being lifted off my shoulders. The familiar french vanilla scent from the lit candles greet me, and bring me peace. Upon entering the living room, I see my parents pacing around the floor.

"Okay, I think we have everything." My mom says under her breath. I notice two suitcases leaned up against the wall, summoning great confusion.

"Um...hey?" I bring attention to myself, after my presence continues to go unnoticed.

She finally snaps out of her frenzy, and looks at me.

"Oh, hi Elle." She says briefly, before continuing to collect random items. In her hand is a velvet covered neck pillow. I observe as she places the pillow over the handle of a suitcase. My father soon joins us in the room, and greets me with a hug.

"What's going on?"

My mother sighs stressfully.

"We're gonna be late for our flight."


What flight?

"Yes. For Miriam Sanders's cancer benefit in Atlanta. I thought I mentioned this to you weeks ago but I guess it slipped my mind. Your father and I promised to go."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Don't you hate Miriam Sanders?"

"I might. But personal feelings aside, we promised."

"How long?"

"Just the weekend."

I have to clench my jaw to prevent it from dropping. A whole weekend? I've never been left alone that long. Perhaps having the house all to myself is just what I need to pull myself out of this funk. This slow moving, exhausting, excessively draining funk.

"Oh okay." I state simply.

They continue to shove random things in the suitcases, before closing them up for good.

"We left a few hundred dollars in an envelope on the kitchen counter for the necessities. Call us if anything." My mom hugs me tightly. "And no drugs or parties please."

I laugh.

"You don't have to worry about that." I think the last thing I'd ever do is throw a big party. For one, I know how the people in my class are. Wild, and intrusive. I could never imagine inviting them into my home, however there is one person's company I wouldn't mind having.

I immediately think of Christian, and all the things that could possibly happen with my parents out of town and my stomach flutters.

"Elena!" My father practically shouts, interrupting the vivid daydreams of Christian's lips on my own. "We're leaving now, we'll call you later."

I hug and kiss my parents, while assuring them that everything will be fine. After giving them my most favorable regards, we part ways.

Heading upstairs to my room, I immediately change out of my jeans in exchange for sweats. It's a heavenly feeling to remove the restricting material from my body in exchange for something more comfortable. I don't hesitate to hop into my bed. My warm, comfortable bed. I have intentions to call Christian and give him the exciting news but my exhaustion takes over and I'm asleep the moment I'm under the covers.

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