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Elle's POV

"Can I tell you a secret?" I ask, and we enter the car.

"Of course" He smirks, getting into the driver's seat.

"I only invited you over so I didn't have to walk home." I tease. Thankfully I was able to go the whole rest of the school day without crying. I saw Hunter for a split second, and turned away before I even allowed myself to process any emotions. Progress? Progress.

"Well you could've asked" He chuckles. "I forgot you don't believe in licenses"

I should probably at least retake my road test again, although I don't see myself passing.

"I might have to figure that out, since I'm single and can't rely on my boyfriend to drive me around anymore"

The idea of relying on anyone ever again repulses me. I wish I truly felt like I was all I needed.

"We can ride together to school if you want. I don't mind."

"No, it's fine. I could use the exercise."

I didn't live super far, and even so, I don't mind a little walk. Plus, I could continue my  ritual where I visit Mike's shop. I haven't gone in awhile, I should probably stop by tomorrow and get myself something pretty. It was the least I could do in my heartbroken state.

"I'd feel better if I dropped you home, knowing you're safe" he replies protectively. "Can't have my only friend out in the open with a killer on the loose"

"Do you not forget the punch I gave you when you snuck up on me?" I chuckle, reminiscing our first encounter.

"How could I forget?" He winces, causing me to laugh even more. "But seriously though, ride with me" He insists again. "It's the least I can do".

I guess riding together wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. We travel the same way, and I wouldn't have to burden Camila, although she was more than willing.

"Fine" I fake an exaggerated sigh. "I'll just have my assistant fax you my schedule, and you can work off that" I tease, earning a visit from his dimple as he laughs.

"You're stupid, Elle."

"Thank you." I smile brightly, to piss him off.


It's not long before we reach my house. Nobody was home, but my mom texted me saying she was just out picking up groceries and would be here shortly.

"Are you always home alone?" Christian questions.

"Not really'' Pffft, I wish. I always appreciated whenever my place wasn't a madhouse. My parents were always up to hosting something. The event planner is practically my Godmother.

"I usually do have a little time alone after school, but that's about it"

I had even more time today, because I didn't have to walk.

"What do you typically do with the house all to yourself?" He asks, sitting on my bed.

Immediately, my mind travels back to a time where I wasn't single. Memories of myself propped up on top of Hunter as we kiss fill my brain. My cheeks begin to redden, as always.

"Well...I had a boyfriend up until two seconds yeah" I reply awkwardly, hoping he got the message. My face burns a deeper shade of red, as his lips turn into a sly grin.

"Oh?" He raises an eyebrow. "Enlighten me?"

I can tell he was gaining enjoyment from my discomfort. I clear my throat, hoping to sound more confident as a result.

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