Chapter 1:A Whole Lot of Pretty & A Whole Lot of Crazy

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Have anyone ever called you crazy 


Well, I have and this is my story...


A/n- If it's in italics it's the voice in her head. 

Hella's POV

Wow...Everything is upside down...


'Oh, wait I'm doing aerial practice stupid me Hehehe' I finally realize. I dismount and land on the floor. I look around my cage to see if the guards are awake yet. I see no guards so I change into my day cloaths they're pretty cool. By cloaths, I mean some old ripped-up nurse scrubs that they give us to wear, they're comfy and ripped just how I like it tehehe. These dumb people think this cage will stop me, yeah right I'm getting out of this bitch.  'Lucia there's no way you're getting out of this place we've tried that's why I'm trying to be a good girl and maybe nugget will play with us. 

Sorry almost forgot to introduce us I'm Hella Lucifer Santiago, I'm a psychopath, and I've been stuck in this hell hole for 10 years. You see when I was a baby up until I was 7 my mom tortured me, after I turned 7 I killed my mother and was sent to Pennhurst Insane Asylum. Pennhurst is the most secure insane asylum in the world and one of the worse. The workers don't care and just hurt us, which I love, don't get me started with the doctors they just torture us and call it 'treatment' anyway let's get back to my day as a psychopath here at Pennhurst. 

A/n-This is her patient outfit but just imagine it all dirty and ripped

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A/n-This is her patient outfit but just imagine it all dirty and ripped

I finished dressing in my day clothes. Now we wait for nugget and his friends to come to get me but I doubt they'll think of opening my cage. I mean they have a good reason to not let me out last week I put 10 guards in the hospital cause I let Lucia do what she wanted. Can we just break the cage and get out I'm not waiting for these weirdos to let us out. Lucia, you know we can't do that we have to be good girls so nugget can let us go early. Ugh, you're boring. I just roll my eyes at the stupid voice. We talked about what we would do and who would we kill when we get out of this hell hole. 

We were in the middle of our conversation when Sammy or who I like to call nugget walked in with his friends/other guards. I run-up to the bars of the cage and say. "Hey nugget you here to play with me," I giggle at the end with a big smile. "Hey sweet cheeks it's time for your first stage of treatment," He said with a smirk. "But I wanna play," I say with a pout. "Sweetheart ain't no one gonna play with you after all the men you put in the hospital," He replied, scolding me. "Come on come play with me," I beg reaching out for his hand. "Not gonna happen," Nugget said before giving a hand gesture. Before I could even reply to him the bars shocked me and I fell on the floor and I was out like a light...

A/n-This is my inspiration for the scene. 

Almano's POV

This guy is annoying he's been going on and on about how his daughter would make an amazing wife for my eldest son, Hades. "Will you shut up already," I finally say annoyed with this man. "Do we have a deal then," he asks raising one eyebrow. I sigh and reply "I will speak to my son and if he says ok they can try dating how does that sound?" He nods, says goodbye, and leaves. I sigh in relief as that was my last meeting for the day. Let me just introduce myself before I forget I'm Almano Roman, I run the African-Italian mafia, I have 2 sons, and 1 daughter who was taken from me by my ex-wife about 17 years ago after she was born. My family and I have been searching for her day and night and I won't stop. 

I exit my office and walk downstairs to the training room where I find my eldest son, Hades, sparring with his younger brother, Draven. "Hades I need to speak with you," I say interrupting their match. "What is it father," he asks punching Draven square in the jaw. "Jose wants to make a deal but your gonna have to date his daughter until we can get rid of him," I say frown at the end. Hades just stops on looks at me causing Draven to land a kick to his stomach. That's gonna hurt tomorrow. "ARE YOU CRAZY DAD HIS DAUGHTER IS A WHORE AND ONLY CARES ABOUT MONEY," Hades yells pushing Draven to the ground and walking over to me. I let out a sigh of frustration, I was about to answer when someone else did. "Hades the faster you agree the faster we can killer Jose and u can stop dating his daughter," I turn around to see my father with his usual cold face.

My son lets out a breath before answering with a 'fine' and walking away. "It's almost time for dinner and also don't be late you know how your grandmother gets," My father says to Draven and Hades before walking out the training room. My dad hasn't smiled since the day my daughter, Hela, was born since it was also the day she was taken. I walk over to Draven to help him up and we make it to the dining room where I see Hades and my father sitting while my mother, Celine, puts the food on the table. "Come sit boys I made your favorite, Lasagna, and I have something to tell you all," My mother says, the last part with a frown. 

We were almost finished with dinner when my mother spoke "Today while you all were gone I received a weird phone call." "What do you mean a weird phone call, Mi Amore," My father asked putting his hand on her's. "I was going through our old pictures when Lilly (A maid) said there was a call for Almano but he wasn't here so I answered it," she continued but stopped to see our reaction. I nodded for her to continue and so she did "When I answered there was a man on the line telling me that Hella was being released from some facility in Philidelphia." To say we were shocked was an understatement we probably looked like dying fish. 

I couldn't answer it was just too much. "H-How?? She was in Philadelphia this whole time," My father asked. My mother nodded with a tear rolling down her eye. Hades had tears in his eyes but he wouldn't let them fall and Draven well Draven was full-on sobbing. I won't lie I let a few tears slip to while my mom continued. "The man said we have to be in Phili tomorrow to picked her up or she's going into the system," she finished. "W-what are we waiting for then l-let's go," Draven said stuttering the rest of us just nodded and started running out of the room to get packed. I can't believe we found her, but what did my mom mean about 'facility'...

A/n- How was the first chapter?

~1248 Words~

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