Chapter 948

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Jay's POV: Once I moved my truck for Matt and Gabby, I saw that they were now standing with everybody at their van. They were already all packed up and I could tell that Gabby was a bit hesitant to leave because she felt guilty. Walking up behind her, I put my hand on her shoulder. "Gabby, if you want to can." Matt then turned to look at us. "Gabby, you changing your mind?" Gabby sighed and shook her head. "Just tired. Just a hint for you might want to change that mattress before you let anybody else come stay here."

Matt then looked at her and wrapped his arm around her after closing the back of their car. Rubbing her back, he then moved to kiss her head softly. "That the real reason you want to leave?" Gabby sighed and then grabbed his hand. "It's one of the reasons. But honestly, I think I am just overwhelmed. Between you almost being sick and me feeling like I'm intruding...I feel so stressed and that's not what I want for my first Christmas as a mom and wife again." Matt understood and then kissed her head again. "I understand."

Natalie then smiled at her. "We all do Gabby. I get it as a mom too. You want to do what's best for Matteo. He not sleeping well here?" Gabby shook her head and sighed. "None of us are. I've been getting up in the middle of the night more often. So, while the idea was really good at first...I have to say I am wondering if I regret coming. However, I will never regret the time we spend as friends. I need this more often. But, I think I would like to just have my guys with me when we wake up on Christmas morning." Matt smiled when she said that.

Looking down into her eyes as he held her in his arms, Matt then moved a strand of Gabby's hair behind her ear before kissing her softly. "I love you." Gabby smiled as they held each other close before laying her head down on his chest. "Did you already start the car? You know I like it warm when we get in to drive away." Matt nodded and smiled at her, kissing her head. "Relax Gabby. IF you want, you can sleep on our way home. You look tired."

Gabby sighed and nodded. She then looked at us all and then waved. "Thanks again for a great night but, I think we should get going. Don't want to be home too late. Plus, the traffic is going to be bad." We all nodded and agreed. "Have a save trip guys." Matt and Gabby then made their way into their car so that they could drive home. I then went to wave with Natalie and Will as we watched them back up and drive away. Smiling at my brother, I looked at him.

"What do you say we get some of those old board games out and we can play games as a family before we do our Christmas Eve rituals?" Erin turned to look at me. "What traditions?" I smiled at her. "That's for you to learn when we get inside." I then went to grab her hand and smiled while intertwining our fingers. Will and Natalie then followed me inside, ready to celebrate Christmas together as a family.

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang