Chapter 898

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Matt's POV: As I made my way upstairs to grab a cup and some plates for Gabby to have a snack while we feed Matteo, I overheard the guys talk about Gabby's last pregnancy. I was not happy for three reasons. First of all, it was none of their business...after all, Gabby is my wife and it was our child! The second reason I was mad was because Antonio was talking about it when it's a family matter. And the final reason was because Will was talking about it, breaking the HIPPA rules which bound him to secrecy with regards to patient affairs.

Walking up to them, I decided to voice my displeasure. "Can you all explain to my why exactly you are speaking about my wife's first pregnancy in the first place?" They all turned to look at me and got scared. Antonio then tried to talk to me when I continued. "Especially you Will. Be lucky that I am your friend. Because last time I checked, Gabby was your patient and what you just talked about would be considered a HIPPA violation right?" Will gulped and nodded. "Yes, you're right. won't happen again."

I sighed and then went to join them. "Sorry, just a sensitive topic. However, it's also because Antonio should know what he shouldn't talk about it with anybody but us. C'mon Antonio, this is your sister we're talking about. Why would you talk to people outside of our family about something that intimate?" Antonio nodded and agreed. "Sorry Matt, I guess...we just started talking about how it's weird that every woman here is pregnant. And then I said something about how it was his fault that Gabby couldn't get pregnant."

I sighed and understood. "Well, that may be true's not completely true. She can get pregnant but, it's just not recommended. However still, you shouldn't talk about it. None of you should. This after all is my wife, not yours. Antonio, you have a pregnant girlfriend to worry about. And you Halstead brothers have pregnant wives to worry about. Please, can we not talk about this? Me and Gabby are actually in a great place...and we would rather not have to think about the reason we need to do fostering."

Will then smiled. "You guys are going to adopt a kid?" I nodded and smiled. "If we can't have kids naturally, then we've decided to give back. Might as well provide someone a home if their parents don't want them. By the way Will, if you ever hear about a baby being abandoned at the hospital...can you call DCFS and ask Tina to take the case? We are hoping for a newborn baby who's been abandoned at the hospital."

Antonio then looked at me. "Why so specific?" I sighed and looked at him. "PTSD." Jay however did not like it when I blamed it on PTSD. "Dude, don't you dare use that as a reason!" I got why he was protective over it but, she did have PTSD. "Jay, we lost our last foster child because his biological father came back into his life and found him. We were going to adopt him. So, sorry but...that is a traumatic situation. Well, it also didn't help that right after we lost Louie...we got the news that it was ill advised for us to have biological children."

I then took a breath before continuing. "I get that you might not consider that PTSD but for us, it's PTSD because of how close together those events were." Jay nodded and understood. "I am so sorry Matt, that's definitely PTSD." I nodded and agreed. "It's hard to talk about because it's also something that ended our last marriage. So, I have PTSD too because it's a constant reminder of what can happen if something like this happens again. However, I am not going to let it happen because we have other ways to have kids."

Antonio then looked at me again, thinking I meant naturally. I then glared at him. "Surrogacy Antonio. Remember, we ended our last pregnancy because we didn't want to risk her life!" Jay turned to look at me and sighed. "God, you must hate this." I nodded and shrugged. "However, I wouldn't change anything. I would be perfectly happy if it was just me and Gabby. However, ever since we had Matteo it seems like my world has expanded. It's amazing to see the world through his eyes. Having a kid really has changed everything. You are much more observant I find."

Antonio nodded and agreed. "Listen, you know what I just realized...this is the first time all the dads and future dads have been in the same room together. How about we get some beers and have a toast?" Jay chuckled and nodded. "Will, you get some in the fridge?" He nodded and then went to grab some. He then passed us four beers. We were about to open them when our girls all came in with our kids. "What exactly do you guys think you're doing?" They all said at the same time.

We then all turned to look at them and gulped. Gabby looked at me. "Last time I checked, you were going to make Matteo a bottle for when he woke up. And you were going to get me a sandwich." I nodded and went to do as he was told. Natalie then looked at Will. "And you were going to play with Owen since I wanted to rest." Will nodded. "Want me to make him lunch?" Natalie nodded and then walked away to their room. Will then went to make Owen some lunch.

Last but not least, Sylvie looked at Antonio. "And you promised me that you would spend time with your kids. Laura made you promise that you would actually spend time with them if they came with us for Christmas." Antonio nodded and walked over to her. Putting his hands on her stomach, he smiled and kissed her softly. He then walked away to go get his kids.

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