Chapter 893

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Antonio's POV: Once me and Sylvie were in our car, I smiled when I set up my phone in the phone holder. I then looked in the mirror to see Eva and Diego relaxed. "I am glad you guys are coming. You know that right? Was surprised that your mom was okay with this." Eva nodded and smiled. "She needed the rest apparently. Her COVID battle really took a lot out of there. Having to go right back to work didn't help at all." I agreed and nodded. Sylvie then smiled at me. "Let's get going, Matt and Gabby just pulled out."

I agreed and smiled while pulling away from the curb. I then hit the Bluetooth button to give my phone a voice command. "Call Matt Casey." Sylvie looked at me confused. "Why you calling Matt?" I chuckled and smiled. "We might as well talk while we're driving. We were having a good conversation." That's when Matt picked up and overheard the last part. "Unfortunately Antonio, if you think we are talking all the way to Joliet, we aren't." I was confused. "Why's that man?"

Gabby then answered for Matt. "Because we are going to try and get Matteo to sleep so he isn't a cranky baby when we get to the cabin. By the way, I forgot to mention Eva. Can you help us when we get to the Cabin and watch him while we unpack our car? We have a lot of stuff to bring in. After all, we have all his stuff, our bags and the Christmas gifts." I smiled when she said that before looking at Eva. Eva agreed. "Of course aunt Gabby, I'd love to."

"That's my girl." Eva smiled and nodded. "What? It's not like I have anything better to do." Gabby didn't like that answer. "Gee thanks. And I thought you actually wanted to spend time with your cousin. He wants to get to know you Eva. I don't care if you guys are over 15 years apart...I want him to look up to you and Diego. And I want you guys to be there for him. You know what it's like to live in Chicago as mixed-race kids, I want him to know how to navigate that world."

Eva agreed and smiled. "It helps a lot to have a dad who's a cop. It gives me reassurance that nothing like what happened to George Floyd will ever happen to me or Diego. We can just name drop our dad and make sure that they don't hurt us. If not, I am positive that my dad will kill them if they kill us." I chuckled when she said that. "By the way Gabs, did you talk to dad? He said he was going to call you. He wanted to wish you and Matt Merry Christmas."

Matt sighed. "Gabby talked to him but, I didn't. Sorry if I don't like your dad. I mean, he has been nothing but a SOAB to me. I mean, he threatens my life all because what? Because Gabby decided to have a baby we love? That's ridiculous and I'm just glad he's out of our lives. Sorry if Eva and Diego hurt that." I looked up at them and chuckled. "They didn't Matt. They're listening to music." I then turned to go to Jay and Erin's place since they were leading us.

"Uhm, this isn't the way to the interstate Antonio." I chuckled. "No, we are going to Jay and Erin's first since they are the ones who are leading us. It's his family's cabin after all." Matt understood. "Okay, we are almost at their place luckily." That's when we all pulled up to Jay and Erin's place. They were just packing up their car when I saw that Will and Natalie were in their car. Rolling down the window, I yelled out at him. "We on time to go?"

Jay jumped a bit and turned to look at him. "Don't scare me like that Antonio!" I chuckled and smiled. "And just to let you know, you can't stay there. My brother is right next to you. He's leading us since he knows the way better than me. He recently took Natalie there on their honeymoon." I agreed and turned to look at Will and Natalie. Grabbing a bottle cap, I went to throw it against Natalie's window.

She then looked up from her phone and smiled while putting her window down. "Hey guys. Where are Matt and Gabby?" I smiled at her. "They are right behind us. Actually Matt, can you back up? Will and Natalie are leading." Natalie looked at me confused. "He's on Bluetooth." She nodded and smiled. That's when I heard Matt. "Sure thing Antonio, give me a second." I then watched him back up and then did the same, parking across the street from him.

"Gabby and Matt, I'm going to add Will and Natalie to the call unless you guys have their number? Might be fun to all talk while we drive to their cabin." Gabby then answered. "I got it Antonio. I have her number." I nodded and smiled. "Then add them on." Gabby agreed and smiled. "Sure thing, one second." Gabby then went ahead and added Will and Natalie.

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 1Where stories live. Discover now