Chapter 915

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Meanwhile, in Will & Natalie's room.

Will's POV: As I made my way upstairs to the bedroom, I saw that Natalie was awake and using her iPad. She just took a nap because she was tired. However, I was going to have to ask her to come downstairs. Turning to look at me when I walked in, Natalie smiled. "Hey, I wondered where you went." I then went to sit next to her and put my hand on her stomach before bending down to kiss her. "I need to ask you something." Natalie then got worried. "What's wrong? Owen okay?" I nodded. "He's fine. He just needs to be watched."

Natalie looked at me confused. "I thought Eva and Diego were doing that." I nodded. "We need them to shovel since it snowed a lot. Meanwhile, us dads are going to get a Christmas tree." Natalie smiled when I said that. "That's a good idea. That way we have a place to put the gifts." I smiled and then kissed her. "That reminds me, I still need to talk to my brother. We need to do that you know..." I nodded. "The Santa stuff. I already told Owen that Santa will know to come here because I sent him an e-mail with our updated address."

I nodded and smiled at the idea. "Good. That takes me explaining it to him out of the way. I then moved to push a strand of hair behind her ear. I was about to go and kiss her again when Jay yelled for me. "Will, you coming to pick the tree or are you going to shovel with Eva and Diego?"  I sighed and thought about it. "You know what, I'll just shovel. Owen needs to get some energy out. He can play in the snow." Natalie smiled. "That sounds like a better idea."

I smiled at her. "You going to stay here still?" Natalie sighed and nodded. "That okay?" I smiled and nodded while going to rub her cheek. "That's fine. Just come down in a while." Natalie agreed and smiled. I then got up and went to walk away to go downstairs. Me playing in the snow sounded much more fun anyways. 

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 1Where stories live. Discover now