Chapter 932

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Matt's POV: After making my way back downstairs with breakfast, I walked over to the fridge so that I could get a bottle for Matteo. Thank god we could feed him this way because it was much easier. Once I had it, I made my way to our bedroom when I saw Erin walking out of the washroom and back to their room. "How you feeling this morning Erin?" Erin turned to look at me and sighed. "I hope I didn't wake you last night. I was up a few times to throw up."

I was shocked. "We didn't hear anything so, thank you for staying quiet then." Erin chuckled and smiled. "No problem. However, can't promise it will always be that way. Also, remember that Owen is going to be loud tomorrow morning." I chuckled and nodded. "That's one thing I am going to be looking forward to next year when Matteo has his first Christmas where he'll be walking. The running into our room to wake us up." Erin nodded and smiled.

That's when I heard Gabby. "Matt, stop talking...I want my food!" I sighed and looked at Erin. "That's my cue. Have a good day Erin." Erin nodded and smiled. "You too and warm up. Thanks again for saving Jay." I smiled. "No problem." I then walked away to our bedroom so that I could give Gabby breakfast before she got even more cranky. Once I was in the room, I kicked it shut with my foot before looking at her. "Someone's a little grouchy this morning."

Gabby sighed. "Sorry. I am just hungry. You get the food for me and the bottle for Matteo?" I nodded and smiled before going to set the plate of food down on her side table. I then looked at Matteo and smiled. "You want to feed him or want me to?" Gabby then smiled at me. "I want to do it today. We need to rotate more. You almost always feed him." I nodded and agreed. "Then maybe I can feed you the pancakes?" Gabby chuckled and nodded.

Once I gave her the bottle, I went to grab the plate again and saw her move over in bed. "Here, saves you from having to walk around the bed." I nodded and smiled before getting in. Setting the plate in my lap, I smiled before grabbing the cutlery so that I could start cutting the pancakes. Once I had a few pieces ready, I fed Gabby first. "Thanks." I chuckled and smiled before turning my head to kiss her softly. I then grabbed a bit before cutting more pieces.

I then decided to just cut the pancakes so that they were in bite-size pieces so that I could just use my fork. I then put the knife down on my side table before looking at Matteo as he drank his milk. I then started to make some funny faces to make him laugh. However, Gabby was not laughing when I did that because it made him cough up. "Matt!" I sighed. "Sorry, want me to clean him?" Gabby shook her head and grabbed his blanket. "There, all clean."

I nodded and smiled before watching her go back to feeding him. I then decided to feed her too so that she was eating at the same time as me. She laughed when I Did that because she thought it was cute. "Thanks." I then nodded and smiled at her. "You need to eat while it's still warm. I am not going to let you wait until you're done feeding Matteo to eat when the food can get cold." Gabby smiled when I said that before grabbing my hand. "You're the best."

"I know." Gabby then nudged me, elbowing me right in the ribs. "Shit, that hurt!" Gabby smirked at me. "Hey, you're the one that keeps forgetting that I got formal self defense training both from my brother and at the fire academy. Oh, and paramedic training." I nodded and smiled. "Of course I remember Gabby. You have to remember that I did all the same training that you did when it comes to the CFD. However, I just learned that I need to re-do my first aid licensing."

Gabby sighed and looked at me. "I have the qualifications to be a first aid trainer. We can do it when we get home." I nodded and liked that idea. "Am I going to get brownie points for sleeping with my teacher?" Gabby chuckled and smiled when I said that. "Only when it comes to me being less strict." I nodded and smiled while feeding her again. "Later, when he's napping...I want to just hold you in my arms and kiss you if that's okay?" Gabby smiled and nodded. "That sounds perfect. We need to do that at least once a day."

I smiled and agreed when I took a bite of our food. That's when I got a text. It was form my sister. 'We still on for a Christmas video chat sometime?' I thought about it and then looked at Gabby. "Christie wants to do a Christmas video chat. Want to do it today or tomorrow?" Gabby then looked at me before biting her lip. "Maybe tomorrow? It's not like we are doing much. However, it's also because Matteo is not going to sleep much tomorrow because of Owen." I nodded and agreed. "If you want, we can head home tomorrow afternoon?"

Gabby then bit her lip and thought about it. "I guess we could stop by the food kitchen tomorrow night. They are making deliveries to the homeless." I shook my head. "Gabby, we are not delivering food to the homeless. Think about who we would be putting at risk." Gabby sighed and understood. "Then can we just stay here? It's not like we're doing anything different than what we'd be doing at home." I agreed and smiled. "Plus, your brother's here." Gabby smiled. "Let's leave the same day as him. When you go out...can you ask him what day he's leaving? Jay, Erin, Will and Natalie might stay longer." 

I nodded and agreed. "Sure thing. I'll do that when I'm bringing this upstairs." Gabby nodded and smiled as she kept eating. "You need to put pants on to go do that." I chuckled and nodded. "Won't take long, I promise." I nodded and agreed as I ate breakfast. "Actually, I'll just text Antonio. He might be in his bedroom with Sylvie now." Gabby agreed and smiled. That's when I decided to text Antonio. 'Hey quick question, what day you guys leaving? Want to know in case you're leaving tomorrow. If you are we'll go too and let the Halsteads have family time.'

Antonio must've been on his phone because he texted back pretty quickly. 'We're leaving the day after tomorrow. Weather doesn't look very nice tomorrow. Might want to stay put.' I then went to check the forecast for tomorrow and understood what he meant. "Okay, we aren't leaving tomorrow." Gabby then looked at me. "Let me guess, they're staying tomorrow night?" I sighed. "That's not the only reason. The weather is also not co-operating with our plan to leave tomorrow even if you wanted to." I then went to show Gabby the forecast.

Gabby bit her lip and nodded. "Send our best wishes to the Firehouse. They're going to be getting a bunch of calls today." I chuckled and nodded. "How about we call them? They're on shift today anyways. Plus, we need to give them an update on Sylvie." Gabby sighed. "Matt, that's not our job. If they want to tell the firehouse then they should be the ones to do that, not us." Matt agreed and sighed. "Then listen, let's forget about the phone right now and just eat."

I agreed and smiled. "Maybe we can get Jay and Erin to watch him later? I would like to take a nap eventually. After all the worrying you put me through yesterday." I agreed and smiled before kissing her head. "I'll talk to them when I get a chance. Or, I can text them." Gabby smiled and liked that idea. "Do that. That way they can say no faster." I agreed and smiled, deciding to text Jay and Erin quickly. 'Hey, think you guys can watch Matteo for a bit later? Want to rest after the whole rescuing you yesterday.' I then put my phone down and smiled at Gabby.

"I made sure to mention why we are tired. More specifically, the fact that I saved his life." Gabby chuckled and smiled as she grabbed my hand. She then intertwined our fingers and put her head on my shoulder. "Talk about totally not guilt tripping them into doing it." I chuckled and nodded before kissing her head. "Let's finish eating before it gets cold." Gabby agreed and smiled as she give me another bite of pancakes.

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 1Where stories live. Discover now