Chapter 940

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Jay's POV: After closing the door behind me, I made my way to bed so that I could talk to Erin. I should've never brought up Hank but it was the truth. Had I not gotten a really good ring for her, I would've never lived it down. And not just with Hank but will all the guys at the station. It was more about my pride and ego than Hank. I just hoped that Erin could understand that. After all, she knew how scared I was of Hank when it came to him judging our relationship.

Sitting down next to her in bed, I moved to put my hand on her stomach and looked down at her. "Erin, just hear me out." She was not happy as she looked at me. "Oh, so now I have to listen to you preach to me when you're the one that said you needed to make Hank proud. I thought you picked the ring because you thought I'd like it?" I sighed and nodded. "That was of course on my mind but I was also scared out of my mind while I was shopping for the ring."

Erin then looked up at me and sighed as I held her hand. "Erin, we both know that Hank is over protective of you. If I got a bad engagement ring in his opinion, I would've never lived to see the light of day. Heck, Hank would've cancelled the wedding had we not done it in private. I sent him a few pictures of weddings rings I was considering. However, I told him that he could narrow down the listen but he couldn't help me choose the final ring." Erin liked hearing that.

"So that means that my wedding ring was..." I nodded and smiled. "All me. I chose it especially for you. I knew you would want that. You wanted it to come from my heart. And that's exactly what happened." I then bent down and grabbed her neck before kissing her softly. Erin smiled as she kissed me before grabbing my neck and rubbing my cheek. "Sorry for getting mad, it's just..." I then stopped her by kissing her again. "You had every right to be mad."

Erin smiled when I said that before rubbing the bed next to her. I knew that meant she waited me to lay down so I did. I then brought her close to me as I closed the covers on top of us. Feeling Erin slip her legs in between mine, I made sure to hold her close exactly like she wanted me to. "I love you Erin, never forget that." Erin smiled and nodded when I said that before wrapping her arms around my waist. That's when we heard Will come into our room.

I then tugged the covers up and rolled over to look at him. "What the fuck man!" He just stared at us shocked. "I was coming to clean the room because I thought you guys had left." I shook my head. "We're on vacation until the new year. We didn't leave with Antonio!" He then blushed and sighed. "Sorry man. I was just going to clean up." I nodded and understood. "Will, you really think I would leave without saying goodbye? Not when it's Christmas. Plus, Hank wouldn't bring me in. Erin's pregnant remember?"

Will nodded and sighed. "Makes sense." That's when my phone rang. I sighed and then went to check the caller ID. "Speak of the devil." Erin then looked at me. "Say no. It's our first Christmas as husband and wife." I nodded and agreed before getting up. I then walked away into the living room. "What's up Hank?" Hank then sighed and was about to say something I knew. "Hank, not happening. It's our first Christmas as husband and wife. Plus, I'm sick. I fell into a pond here."

Hank understood because he could hear the sniffles. "Sorry. I get it. I shouldn't have even thought about it." I sighed. "Maybe we can work remotely? I brought my work laptop. That's the best I can promise you okay?" Hank understood. "That's actually what I was going to ask Erin to do. I was thinking you could come in but...I realized you would say no the minute you answered because of COVID." I agreed and smiled. "Listen, let's talk tomorrow. It's our day off."

Hank agreed when he saw the time. "You guys must be eating soon." I smiled at Erin. "It's only lunch time? Wow, we've already got a lot done." Erin smiled when she looked at me. "Jay, think you can go and get me some lunch?" I agreed and smiled as I bent down to kiss her forehead softly. "Be back in a bit. Hank, I have to go get her some lunch." He agreed and then let me go. "Talk later." I smiled and agreed, hanging up before going to grab my shirt. "I'll be back in a bit. You take a nap."

Erin smiled as she watched me put my shirt on. Before I could leave, she leaned up and grabbed my shirt. Tugging my lips down to hers, I smirked because I was shocked. I then moved to put my hand on her side and just kissed her. "Fuck, that's sexy." She smiled while rubbing my cheek. "Told you we'd have a fun Christmas." I smiled at her and then nodded as I kissed her one last time. "This afternoon, I'm taking you in my arms and showing you just how much I love you."

Erin smiled at the thought of that and then nodded. "Can't wait. I want you just as much." I smiled when she said that and then nodded as I gave her one last kiss before walking away to go get us some lunch. I really hoped that either Will already made some or there was something easy I could whip up for me and Erin. I wanted to get back to bed (and her) as soon as possible.

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora