Chapter 927

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Will's POV: As I made my way upstairs with my brother, I was shocked at what just happened. "Did that really just happen?" Jay turned to look at me as we stood in the kitchen and chuckled. "Yeah it did, Antonio just got engaged in the basement of our cabin." I laughed when he said that. "Wow, never expected that." Jay smiled. "I didn't expect it than either. It's no secret around the precinct that nobody thought that he'd get engaged or married again."

I nodded and smiled. "Who do you think he's going to pick as his best man? Somebody from CPD or his family?" Jay chuckled. "I think he's going to pick either Matt or Diego. However, my money's on Matt considering Sylvie's going to pick Gabby." I nodded. "Oh, then it's going to be Matt. He's not going to let another man walk his wife down the aisle." Jay chuckled. "Definitely. Unless she picks a friend from her hometown of Fowlerton." 

I agreed before going to grab the champagne glasses. "Think we should pour the glasses up here or downstairs?" I was about to answer when I heard Natalie come up. "You are not pouring these drinks up here. Sorry but, I don't want any messes." I nodded and agreed before walking over to her. "That was a big surprise eh?" She nodded and smiled. "So much for this being our romantic spot." I nodded and smiled at her. "It will always be our romantic spot. I then wrapped my arm around her and kissed her softly.

Jay however was disgusted. "Okay, enough guys." I then turned to look at him. "Speak for yourself. How many times have you gotten Erin in bed since you've gotten here earlier today?" He was about to answer but just shut up. "Exactly!" He just rolled his eyes and then smiled. "Let's just go downstairs and celebrate. If I know Matt and Gabby, they're going to want to go to bed soon considering Matteo is already asleep." 

We all nodded and then made our way downstairs with the champagne. Walking downstairs, we saw Gabby and Sylvie sitting on the couch while Matt and Antonio stood together.

Antonio's POV: As I stood next to Matt, I smiled as we grabbed one of the beers we brought from Molly's. "So, that happened." Matt chuckled when I said that. "Hey, at least you did better than my last proposal. I just told Gabby we were getting married again. I didn't even ask her." Gabby then looked at him. "You didn't need to. I was going to try and get back with you anyways." Matt smiled at her before mouthing 'I love you'. Gabby smiled when he did that. 

"Listen, I want to talk to you about something while I have you here." Matt then looked at him. "What's that?" I smiled at him. "I want to return the favor from your wedding. Matt, will you be my best man?" Matt chuckled and smiled, shocked. "I mean, of course." He then gave me a hug and smiled. I chuckled. "Just returning the honor. You gave me the chance to be your best man when we both know that you would've much rather have Severide."

Matt smiled and shook his head. "If I could go back and change that day, including who was standing with us...I wouldn't change anything. I wanted my family at the front with me and that's exactly what I got." I smiled when he said that before hearing Will. "Okay, we have the champagne for anybody who wants them." I then looked at Matt and set my beer down to grab some champagne. Natalie then walked over with some sparkling water.

"For the pregnant women." Erin and Sylvie then chuckled and smiled as they grabbed some sparkling water. Moving to walk over to Sylvie, I smiled when I grabbed my champagne and then wrapped my arm around her. That's when I saw Eva and Diego go for the alcohol. "Nice try kids! You guys are drinking some sparkling water." Eva and Diego then groaned and went to grab some sparkling water instead of alcohol.

Once we all had our drinks, I looked at our friends and family. "Okay, now for the toast. I guess that's my job. Well first, thanks to Will, Natalie, Jay and Erin for hosting us here. And of course for providing amazing hospitality. Next to Gabby and Matt, you guys made me believe in second chances. You guys are getting yours thank to a child....and so am I." Matt and Gabby then nodded and smiled at me. 

I then continued. "And to Sylvie, thank you for blessing me with your love and these children. I can't wait to continue to spend the rest of our lives together. This time as husband and wife." Sylvie smiled and nodded as she kissed me softly. Matt then spoke up. "To Antonio and Sylvie!" Everybody then repeated it and went to drink some of their drinks. Sylvie then smiled at Gabby. "Babe, you speak to everybody else. I need to talk to Gabby for a minute." 

I nodded and smiled, letting her go. Sylvie then walked over to Gabby while Matt walked back over to me. "Let me guess, she's going to ask her?" I nodded and chuckled. "Might as well get it out of the way? That way nobody gets a chance to audition." As I said that Jay walked over. "Congratulations Antonio. But, need to talk to you about...." I just looked at him. "Jay, meet my best man and brother-in-law." Jay smiled. "I already knew Antonio."

Matt nodded and smiled when he saw Gabby hug Sylvie. "Looks like me and Gabby are walking down the aisle again." I chuckled when he said that. "This time, it's my wedding." Matt nodded and smiled as we all stood there, celebrating the fact that me and Sylvie are getting married. 

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora