Chapter 923

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Matt's POV: After eating dinner together, everybody (except Diego, Eva and Owen who were in their rooms) made their way to the living room so we could rest together. I was currently sitting on a couch in my sweats while Matteo was laying down on my chest, all cuddled up to me. Kissing his forehead as we relaxed together, I smiled at him when I noticed that everybody was staring at me. "Okay guys, no need to stare at a dad just falling in love with his son."

Gabby chuckled as she sat next to me before grabbing the back of my head. "I hope I am exempt from that." I looked up at her and smiled. That's when I heard Antonio speak up. "Actually, mind if I steal him from you for a bit Matt? I think Matteo might want a little uncle Antonio time." Gabby shook her head. "Sorry Antonio, maybe tomorrow afternoon. We are going to be here anyways. After today's...exciting adventure, we've decided to just stay here at the cabin."

Jay chuckled when Gabby said that. "Exciting is one word for it." Turning my head to look at him, I smiled as he held Erin pretty much just like I was holding Gabby. "You're such a copy cat Jay." Jay then smirked as he looked at me. "What? Not my fault that Erin likes to be held the same way that Gabby likes to be held by you." I nodded and understood before looking up at Gabby. That's when I felt her lay down against me and put her hand on my chest.

Kissing her head, I whispered to her. "If you get tired and want to go to bed, just let me know...I am ready to go downstairs whenever you want. But remember that he is going to bed within the next hour to 90 minutes so....don't fall asleep up here. I can't carry 2 people downstairs." Gabby laughed when I said that and then looked at everybody. "I just want to say that I am really happy we came to do this guys. Honestly, I had my reservations when this was first proposed."

Erin nodded and understood. "Honestly, I did too. I was torn between spending Christmas at home and spending it with all of you here. But, I have no regrets. Honestly, I mean...the adventures we've already had here, they are things I don't think I ever would've experienced had we stayed in Chicago." I chuckled and nodded. "Probably wouldn't be close to having a cold right now had we stayed in Chicago though. Just a recommendation for when you have kids?"

Jay looked at me and nodded. "What's that?" I smiled at him, glad he was being receptive to suggestions. "You might want to put a fence around the pond during the winter. That way people know where it is and this won't happen again." Jay nodded and liked the idea. "Maybe we can do that tomorrow when it's daylight Will. I think there's a hardware store that's open in town. You know, the one that's owned by the guy who was friends with dad?"

Will nodded and knew the one. "Even if it's closed...I have his number. I am pretty sure he will gladly open the store for us if we need something." Natalie, however, didn't like that idea. "It's Christmas Eve tomorrow boys. You are not disturbing your dad's friend just to get in the store. If it's'll have to wait until the next time it's open to go there. And if that's not this trip then it can be another trip. Plus, I don't see us coming back until the summer."

Will agreed with Natalie and smiled as he went to kiss her cheek. "We won't have time. And even during the summer, I don't think we'll want to come considering stuff that is out of our control." Natalie nodded and understood as she grabbed Will's hand. That's when Eva came downstairs from her room. Will smiled at her. "Eva, what can we do for you?" Eva then started to look around the kitchen. "You guys have any snacks?" Antonio sighed. "Eva. I told you to bring some."

Eva then groaned. "Sorry, I forgot. Are you really going to deprive me of sweets?" Will smiled when she asked. "There's some Christmas chocolate in the pantry. Second shelf from the top. However, only 2. Those are supposed to be for Christmas Day." Antonio then looked at Eva. "Then you aren't having any. Eva, just make yourself from toast or something. We have bread right?" Will nodded. "Box next to the toaster." Eva then sighed and went to make toast.

That's when Antonio had enough and looked at Sylvie. "Can I get up Sylvie? I need to talk to Eva." Sylvie nodded and then got up so he could get out. Antonio then sighed and got up to go talk to Eva in the kitchen.

Antonio's POV: As I made my way to the kitchen, I looked at Eva. "Eva, can I talk to you?" Turning around to look at me, she sighed. "I did something wrong didn't I?" I nodded. "I heard you sigh. Eva, just be glad that there's something you can eat that's not what we made. Eva, you are old enough to remember snacks now. This isn't any different than when we went on trips as a family to Mexico. So, I don't want to hear any attitude or complaining."

Eva nodded and sighed. "Sorry dad." I then moved to hug her before kissing her head. "You talk to your mom about when she wants to see you?" Eva sighed and looked at me. "Is it possible we go see her Christmas night?" I looked at her and was shocked. "Uhm, I would have to talk to Sylvie about that. We were planning on staying until at least the day after Christmas." Eva nodded. "Then we can do that." I nodded. "I'll talk to your mom okay?" Eva nodded and walked away.

I then made my way back to the living room and looked at Sylvie. "Sylvie, I need to go make a call okay? I'll be back in a minute." Sylvie nodded and smiled. I was about to go when Gabby spoke up. "Actually Antonio, how about you come say goodnight to Matteo first? We're going to head to bed. He's falling asleep." Matt nodded and kissed his head as Gabby got up. I then nodded and smiled while walking over to him. "Night buddy."

Gabby then smiled as I kissed his head. I then moved to hug her and shook Matt's hand. "Night you two." Gabby then turned to look at the group. "Goodnight everybody, see you in the morning." They then left the living room and made their way down to the room. Meanwhile, I walked away to make a call to Laura.

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 1Where stories live. Discover now