Chapter 913

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Jay's POV: After answering the call from Trudy, I put it on speakerphone. "Good afternoon sergeant." Trudy chuckled when she asked. "Oh, look who's detective chuckles now." Trudy then went back to being serious. "Shut up Detective, we both know you laugh much more often than me." I agreed and smiled. "What can we help you with sergeant?" Trudy then smiled. "I heard from Hank you guys are up at your family's cabin so....I wanted to say this ahead of time since you're probably going to be busy on Christmas day but, Merry Christmas to you three."

Erin smiled when she said three because that included our daughter-to-be Nadia. "She's been moving a lot today." Trudy chuckled. "You know, I wouldn't be offended at all if you decided to name her Trudy." I shook my head. "We already have a name picked out Trudy, sorry." Trudy then decided to ask. "I've been trying to get it out of Voigt for a while. Can I get it out of you?" I turned to look at Erin. "You're choice if you want to tell her. But, I am pretty sure you would rather tell Kim first." Erin bit her lip and sighed. "She'll find out eventually."

Trudy then commented. "There's nothing in the precinct that I don't find out regardless of whether you tell me or not. So, you guys better just tell me. I promise not to tell your brother." I chuckled a bit. "He's here." Trudy then commented. "And you're still living up to your nickname of Detective Chuckles. Now, am I going to get the name of your daughter to be or not?" Erin smiled. "Yes. Her name is going to be Nadia Marie Halstead." Trudy was shocked by the sound of her voice. "Nadia after your friend who helped us with the drug case a few years ago?"

I sighed and then looked at Erin. "Hey, you did all your best." Erin then moved to sit up and was about to get up. Sitting up too, I went to grab Erin. "Hey, looked at me." Erin then moved close to me and I grabbed her head. "It wasn't your fault. I promise. Erin, you have to know that." Erin nodded and sighed. I then turned my attention back to the call. "Trudy, you'll send our season's greetings to Mouch as well okay?" Trudy was confused. "How do you know his nickname at work?" I chuckled. "We are friends with Matt, Gabby and Sylvie from Firehouse 51." Trudy understood. "Of course. Have fun guys." 

Hanging up my phone, I went to set it down on my side table before turning my attention back to Erin. Rubbing her leg as I held her, I sighed and kissed her cheek. "Erin, you have to know that you did everything you could to help her right?" Erin nodded and sighed. "Guess it's still hard. Maybe we shouldn't name her Nadia then. I know I was the one that suggested it but...I am starting to change my mind. It might not be the best way to think of our daughter."

I nodded and understood. "Of course, we can change it as much as we want until she's born. If we aren't doing Nadia, what were you thinking instead?" Erin sighed and moved her hand to my neck. "Can we try Olivia Marie instead? That way she's named after one of my icons. Olivia Benson from SVU." I nodded and like the idea. "It's perfect. Olivia Marie Halstead." Erin smiled at me before pushing me back down into bed. Laying down on my chest, she kissed me softly.

I smiled when she kissed me, wrapping my arm around her before running my finger up and down her back. I then went to unclip her bra to tease myself full access to her entire back. "You're beautiful." Erin smiled when I said that. I was about to kiss her again when I got a text. I groaned and when to check. It was from Will. 'Come help me shovel. I was going to wait until it stopped snowing but, it's starting to snow harder. Would rather not have ice on the deck.'

I sighed and then looked at Erin. "I have to go help Will shovel. Apparently it's snowing pretty bad. He was going to wait but...." Erin then bent down and kissed me softly. "Go ahead, I'll wait here. Maybe you can ask Matt to help? That way you can get it done. I will go upstairs and make you some hot chocolate." I nodded and smiled before letting her go. I then got up and went to grab my clothes. "Sounds great." Erin chuckled and smiled. "I'll be up soon. Want me to go talk to Matt?" I nodded and smiled. "Better you than me. Just get dressed."

Erin nodded and smiled, going to grab her clothes before walking out of our room to go talk to Matt and Gabby, hoping he can help shovel.

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 1Where stories live. Discover now