Chapter 900

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Meanwhile with Matt & Gabby

Matt's POV: As I laid down in bed with Gabby, I smiled as she looked at the gifts I was giving her. While it was early, I didn't know whether or not this would be the last time we were alone over Christmas or not. She was currently in the midst of looking at the necklace I got for her. "This is gorgeous Matt but, I've never seen this type of gem on here." I smiled as I wrapped my arm around her and then grabbed her necklace. "It's a birthstone."

Gabby turned her head and looked at me. "Mine?" I shook my head and then smiled. "Matteo's birthstone." Gabby smiled when I said that and then grabbed my hand. Leaning up to kiss me, Gabby smiled as we held each other close. "That's amazing Matt. I love you." I smiled when she said that. "Now, I didn't expect anything but...I think we both know I got something." Gabby smiled at me and then went to grab a box from her side table. "Here."

I chuckled and smiled before going to open it. That's when I saw it was a book. "What's this?" Gabby smiled. "Open it, it's something I made for you." I nodded and opened the book. It was a book entitled "Our Second Chance - Months 1-4" It contained pictures of us at Matteo's birth, at our wedding, on our honeymoon, and every other picture we've taken since then. One of them of course, I've never seen. It was a newborn picture of Matteo.

"When was this picture taken?" Gabby smiled. "When you were on shift a few weeks ago. I took him to a photographer and we did a 'newborn' photoshoot." I chuckled and smiled at that. "I love it Gabby." I smiled and looked at her before kissing her softly. I then went and played with Gabby's necklace. "If only we were at home. Then I could have you in my arms wearing nothing but this necklace around your neck." Gabby chuckled and grabbed my hand.

"I promise, we are going to be home on New Year's Eve. And I've already talked to my brother. He understands that we need at least New Year's Eve alone. He's going to take Matteo." I smiled when she said that and then leaned my forehead against hers. Gabby then moved her hand to my neck and just held me close as we laid down in bed together. That's when I saw her lay down on her back and put her head on a pillow. Moving my hand to her arm, I kissed her softly.

Feeling my soft lips on hers, Gabby just kissed me slowly as we laid there together. I didn't take it any further because we knew other couples were awake and so was Matteo. This was perfect though because it was the perfect way for us to celebrate that we just did our Christmas gifts. We were alone and everybody was being co-operative when it came for us wanting time alone. Well, everybody other than Jay. He knocked on the door. "Matt and Gabby, you descent?"

I sighed and pulled away while looking at Gabby. "What's up Jay?" He then walked in and sighed. "Oh sorry, I just need to get an extra blanket for Erin. She's cold." I understood and nodded. "I wondered why there were so many spare blankets in here." Jay nodded and sighed, walking over to the closet. Opening it, he went to grab one when he saw something he probably shouldn't have. Gabby reacted quickly. "Close that door Halstead! That's a gift for Matt!"

Jay then blushed and grabbed the blanket before closing the closet. He then looked at me before smirking. "Have fun." He winked and looked at me before walking away. I then turned to look at Gabby. I had to get up and see what it was. However, Gabby didn't want me to and grabbed my hand. "Matt, that's a surprise Christmas gift." I didn't care and then went to see what it is. Gabby sighed and just sat there. Walking over to the closet, I opened it and then saw exactly what it was.

Grabbing it, I looked at the sexy lingerie that Gabby brought. "When were you planning on letting me touch you with this on?"

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant