Chapter 910

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Sylvie's POV: After my way downstairs to Matt and Gabby's bedroom, I knocked on the door to see that Gabby was in bed and Matteo was in his crib. Gabby turned to look at me and sighed. "I am assuming you know what all that was about up there?" I nodded and sighed. "Gabby, if course I do. I remember the day it happened." Gabby sighed and then looked at me. "Come sit." I nodded and moved to sit with her for a minute. "You okay?" Gabby sighed. "I hate thinking of that day because I was so vulnerable. And I was scared that I almost lost Matt."

I was confused when she said that. "Wait, you thought he was going to divorce you for being sexually assaulted in the shower?" Gabby shook her head. "No, I thought he was going to go to jail for beating up that photographer creep." I chuckled a bit. "Honestly, I would've defended him. I mean, it was you Gabby. What husband wouldn't do that for their wife?" Gabby nodded and sighed. "Still can't believe it ever happened. I mean, that really put a big downer on our sex life after that happened." I then stopped her. "Okay, too much."

Gabby chuckled and sighed. "Sorry, keep forgetting." I nodded. "I get it." Gabby then smiled. "By the way, when we get back to need to drop by so you can take a pick at clothes that he's outgrown." I nodded and smiled. "God, I swear....these twins are going to be so loved and spoiled." Gabby smiled. "You think that their aunts and uncles are going to spoil them? Just wait until you see Antonio with newborns. I swear, they walk all over him and just get him to do whatever they want. He's the best dad to newborns possible."

I nodded and agreed. "He's great while I'm pregnant too. He gives me foot massages and back massages whenever I need them." Gabby smiled. "My brother wants to dote on you, let him. Trust me, that was one thing I missed while I was pregnant. I knew that, had I been here...Matt would've doted on me so much. I mean, I probably could've gotten so much attention from him I would've burst from having too much attention." Sylvie chuckled and smiled. "I'm glad you guys are back to where you were before you left Gabby, you seem happy."

That's when I heard Matt come in. "We are. This is actually the happiest we've been in a long time. Sorry Sylvie but, I think even happier than when we were together. However, that isn't all because of Gabby." Gabby then looked at him. "Excuse me?" Matt then turned to look at Matteo. "It's also because of that little guy there. C'mon Gabby, you have to know that you make me the happiest man in the world but being a dad to me is everything I've ever wanted. Of course that is going to make me happier than anything." Gabby nodded and smiled.

"Okay, I understand now." Matt chuckled and smiled. "How about you move over Gabby so I can sit down with Matteo? I'll feed him unless you want to?" Gabby shook her head. "No, you can do it. Me and Sylvie are talking right now. We're having fun." Matt then looked at me. "Nothing about the little flirtation we had I hope." I shook my head. "Matt, of course I wouldn't bring that up. Plus, it's awkward to talk about. I mean, Gabby is your wife and one of my best friends. We were actually talking about Antonio and him doting on me while I'm pregnant." 

I smiled at that thought. "However, not anymore because I don't want to talk about that in front of Matt. Me talking to you about it might make Matt think I wanted that while I was pregnant." Matt then smiled. "It's okay Gabby, I know you would've wanted to be pampered. And I would've. That's why I'm making up for all the pampering you didn't get while you were pregnant now. You like the pampering I give you right?" Gabby looked at him and smiled.

That's when I saw my cue to leave. "Listen, you guys probably want some time alone. So, I'll let you go okay?" Gabby then turned to look at me and smiled. "Thanks Sylvie." I then got up and left them, closing my door on the way out.

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