Chapter 899

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Natalie's POV: After making my way to me and Will's bedroom, I smiled as I decided to change into my sweats. Being here made me happy considering what happened here a few weeks earlier. More specifically, in this same bed. This was where we spent our honeymoon and got pregnant. Quickly getting changed, I smiled as I got in bed before laying back against some pillows. That's when I decided to grab my iPad and call Maggie. She was on shift but, I promised that I would call around this time because it was break time.

Once she answered, I smiled at her. "Hey Nat. How's the cabin?" I chuckled and smiled. "It's cute actually. I am glad that Will convinced me to come. It's going to be a great Christmas. As far as I can tell, Owen already loves the place." Maggie smiled when I said that. "Is the baby liking it so far or are you having morning sickness?" I chuckled and smiled. "Morning sickness. However, can you keep it quiet? We only told everybody here because we are close friends."

Maggie was confused. "You're only a couple weeks along. Apart from Will, who knows?" I smiled when she asked. "Helen, Matt & Gabby, Jay & Erin and Antonio & Sylvie." Maggie nodded. "Well, it was bound to get out eventually. Have you told Goodwin yet?" I was about to answer when Will walked in with my sandwich. "I haven't told her yet unless Natalie has." Moving to sit next to me, Will smiled as he looked at me. "Who's watching Owen?"

Will then ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my head. "I asked Antonio's daughter Eva to watch him. She was just sitting in the living room with her iPad watching some TV." I nodded and agreed before rolling onto my side. "Can you lay back against a pillow? I want to be held, tired." Will nodded and then smiled as he got in bed before laying back against some pillows. I then moved to cuddle up to him while grabbing the plate to eat the sandwich.

Maggie then looked at the both of us. "So Will, how does it feel to be a married man?" Will chuckled and smiled. "Honestly, it's amazing. I am just sad that this didn't happen a few years ago." Maggie agreed and nodded. "Hey, the only person you can blame is yourself for that." I looked up at him and couldn't disagree. "She's right though." Will nodded as he wrapped his arm around me and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Just curious, did you give Owen some lunch?" Will nodded. "I made him a sandwich too. So, you guys are both good until we have supper as a group." I sighed. "Who's cooking?" Will smiled when I asked. "Antonio agreed to do it because he has two teenage kids. Jay's cooking tomorrow since he has no kids. We cook the day after since Owen is older than Matteo. Matt cooks the last night." Natalie didn't like that idea.

"We are all cooking the day after tomorrow. It's Christmas remember?" I nodded and agreed. "We should probably start that tomorrow actually. And we should get the gifts out so we know where to put them. I set up a tree. Think we are going to do Christmas all together or do you want to do it alone with Owen?" Maggie then butted in. "Do it alone. It's your first Christmas as husband and wife." I nodded and agreed.

"Matt and Gabby will probably want to do it alone in their room too anyways. Unless of course they did it early?" Natalie nodded and agreed. "Maybe they'll do it tomorrow unless Matt already gave Gabby her gift ahead of time."

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 1Where stories live. Discover now