Chapter 31

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"HARPER! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" I heard Jeremy scream as the front door slammed shut.

Jumping up from the couch, I quickly walked to the other side of the coffee table so there would be more space between the two of us. When Jeremy walked into the room he looked furious, followed by Carter who was desperately trying to hold him back without making him more mad, and Sam who had obviously been crying for some time and an emotional mess.

"Where is your phone?!" Jeremy growled out, making me look back at him.

He was frantic as he looked, until he spotted it on the coffee table and picked it up. I didn't try to stop him or interfere in any way. There was no point. It was only a matter of time before he found out, and I wasn't going to test him when he was like this. Looking back over to Sam, she had sunk to the floor and was starting to breathe like she was going to hyperventilate. She hadn't looked away from me, and I can only imagine how she feels.

She was riddled with guilt. It was blatantly obvious. As much as I should be mad at her, I just couldn't bring myself to feel that way. I have no idea how this all happened, but at this point it's almost a relief. I could feel the tears running down my face as I gave Sam the most reassuring look I could.

"It's ok." I whispered to her.

She just shook her head at me unable to speak as she continued to cry. Jeremy was still completely absorbed in reading through the messages on my phone, so I looked over at Carter. All I could read off of him was concern. He was watching Jeremy very closely and was always by his side. He must have felt me looking at him, because his eyes lifted to mine.

Taking half a step back, so he was slightly behind Jeremy, he lifted his hand to his mouth and motioned that Jeremy had been drinking. I gave a slight nod in understanding. He was staying close to Jeremy, because he didn't trust him to not hurt me. Finally looking at Jeremy he was frantically scrolling through the messages. It was too fast to be able to read anything.

"How fucking long has this been happening?!" He said shortly as he continued to scroll.

I stayed quiet as I just watched him look through everything Michael and I have sent to each other.

"Harper! How long?!" He said again, looking directly at me.

"Months." I said simply, and far more clearly than I thought I would.

Clenching his jaw, he gripped my phone so tight, his hand turned from red to white. His head snapped in my direction as he looked at me.

"How fucking dare you." He spat out as his chest heaved. "You're done. You hear me? DONE."

Throwing my phone on the couch, he turned his back to me as he ran his fingers through his hair. I stayed quiet as he paced back and forth behind the couch.

"Things are going to change." He said almost in a whisper. Crossing his arms he looked at me pointedly, "You're no longer staying here when I leave for work. You're coming with me every single time. We're going to make an appointment with that marriage counselor you wanted to go see to get this shit figured out." His eyes dropped to my phone on the couch, and he picked it up, "I also have full access to this." he said as he held my phone out to me. "I can look through it whenever I want to, and you will never again speak to that man."

I stood completely still as I listened to him tell me how I would now be living, never taking my eyes off of him.

He stood there quiet for a moment as he shook his head. "Why? Why the hell are you out running around with this guy? What is it that I haven't given you?!" He said, practically yelling by the end.

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