Chapter 4

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After Jeremy went into the bedroom, I finished the dishes from dinner. Wiping down the counter one last time, I let out a heavy sigh. It wasn't too late yet, but I turned off all the lights and double checked that the doors were locked. Quietly, I walked into the bedroom and into the closet. Pulling off my clothes, I left my lace panties on and put on one of Jeremy's white t-shirts, knowing he loves it when I wear this.

Shutting off the closet light, I carefully slipped into bed. I felt bad earlier when I was cooking and he wanted to have sex, so I moved into his side, and ran my hand over his chest. I knew he wasn't asleep yet, and placed soft kisses up his neck.

"What are you doing?" He asked, almost sounding irritated.

"I thought this is what you wanted." I whispered as I moved down and kissed his chest.

"I have to be up at five, Harper. I need to sleep. If you wanted sex we should have done it earlier." He said as he rolled away from me.

Immediately his warmth was gone, and I just sat there as I processed what he just said. I swallowed hard as I carefully moved back to my side of the bed. I laid on my side with my back to him as I took deep breaths. I didn't mean to hurt him earlier. I just had food on the stove, and couldn't just leave it.

I could feel my chest tightening, and I knew I was on the verge of tears. Carefully sliding out of bed I walked back into the closet. Pulling off Jeremy's t-shirt, I put on one of my long sleeved shirts and a pair of pajama pants. Walking back out, Jeremy's back was still to me. I quietly got my phone off of my nightstand and walked out of the bedroom.

Softly closing the door behind me, I walked back into the kitchen. Filling the kettle, I turned on the stove for it to warm. Finding a large mug, I put a small amount of honey in the bottom and filled my diffuser with chamomile leaves. When the water was hot, I filled my mug and walked to my office. Setting my mug down on the end table, I curled up on the couch under a throw blanket. I scrolled mindlessly through my phone as I sipped my tea.

When my cup was finally empty, I set it on the table and looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost midnight, but I was still far too awake to be able to sleep. Taking a deep breath I closed out all my apps and looked at the home screen picture of Jeremy and me on our honeymoon. It seemed so simple back then. Just us crazy in love. I knew marriage was something that constantly took work, but sometimes it just feels so one sided.

The app that Sam had me download on my phone, IQ Buster, caught my eye. I was still wide awake, so I might as well see why she was so obsessed with it. Opening the app, I went to my friends list to see if Sam was on, but she wasn't. Letting out another huff, I clicked to be paired with a random person. Another screen popped up asking if I wanted to be paired with someone local or worldwide. I didn't know why it made a difference, but I ended up clicking local.

It paired me with a guy named Michael, and the screen said he was ready. Sitting up a little better, I clicked that I was ready too, and the 5 second countdown started before showing the first puzzle. I had to try and make it through all five puzzles before Michael did. As the clock hit 0, the first puzzle popped up.

There was a large rectangle and several smaller shapes that needed to fit inside the rectangle. Thankfully, I was able to figure it out quickly and it immediately took me to the next puzzle. One by one I solved them, but they were getting harder every time. Finally the last one pupped up.

An electric motor makes 3,000 revolutions per minute. How many degrees does it rotate in one second?

My jaw dropped at the question. How the hell do I figure that out?! Quickly getting up, I ran to my desk and pulled out a pen and paper. I started to try and work through the problem, when my phone dinged. Looking over at it, in big, bold, red letters was "DEFEAT". Throwing my pen to the desk and slumping back in my chair, I let out a huff.

I just stared at my phone in irritation at the stupid question. My phone dinged again, and I refused to look at it for a moment still in a bit of a tantrum. Picking up my phone I walked back to the couch. Why Sam thinks that is fun is beside me. I just feel dumb.

Curling back up under the blanket on the couch, I unlocked my phone again. I had a notification in the app that I had a new private message. Figuring it was just an automated message from the app itself, I clicked on it.

M: Damn girl. You almost beat me.

Surprised by the message, I looked at the top of my screen to see who it was from. Of course, it said, Michael. I laughed out loud at just how wrong he was.

H: No, I didn't. I didn't even know where to start on that last one.

I shook my head as I smiled. The three dots popped up that he was immediately replying.

M: Well, you got all the other ones right. If you had the time you would have figured it out.

H: How did you do it so quickly?

M: Let's say math is a strong point for me.

H: I think that's an understatement.

M: Well, you gave me a run for my money, and it's not often that happens.

I chuckled to myself as the app sent me another notification that Michael had added me to his friends list. I Clicked on his name and added him to mine, as well.

M: Promise me you will send me invites if you want to play. I like a challenge.

I smiled to myself as I read what he wrote.

H: Of course. Do you have time for another game now?

M: Yeah, I've got all night.

Settling into the couch further, I got comfortable and sent him one last message.

H: Ready when you are.


Slipping on my heels, I quickly collected my purse and walked into the kitchen. I poured my tea into a travel thermos and headed towards the garage. I stopped short when I saw the two bins of craft supplies still sitting at the door. I had asked Jeremy to put them in my car, but I guess he forgot when he left.

"Damn it." I said I walked into the garage and put my tea and purse in the car. Opening the garage door, I walked to the back of my Tahoe and opened the back hatch. After loading the two bins, I was finally on my way to work.

I'm never late, but last night I stayed up for hours playing game after game with Michael. I wasn't ever able to beat him, but I am determined to eventually. I found out he is a software engineer. Which explains his quick math skills. He asked me what I did for a living, and actually seemed genuinely interested when I told him I was a kindergarten teacher. Most people just ask me how I deal with the kids all day, like they're an irritating burden.

Pulling up outside the private school, I parked in my parking spot, and grabbed my purse and tea, and walked to my room. I turned on my computer at my desk then quickly brought in the two bins full of supplies.

Because I was a kindergarten teacher, my class was only a half day. My students were in class from 10:00 in the morning until 3:00 in the afternoon. Also being a private school, the class sizes were much smaller. I have eleven students this year, and it is honestly one of my favorite classes so far. After laying out a packet of supplies on each little desk, I started to write out the daily schedule on the board as I prepared to start another week.

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