"Get out!" Both of you yelled at the same time, to which the guys complied and rushed out, Kirishima apologising profusely for the blonde's behaviour.

"It's fine. We'll be down in 5 minutes, yeah?" You sighed, closing the door. "Well that was awkward."

"At least we'll lock the door next time. Kaminari-kun, on the other hand, is something else," Mei sighed, pulling you down onto the bed with her.

You erupted into a fit of giggles as she tickled you, only to pepper your face with kisses mere seconds later.

"We should get going, right?" Hatsume sighed.

You mumbled in response, burying your head into the crook of her neck.

"I'll buy you food if you get up," Mei offered.

"And you have to dance with me later," you bargained, to which she agreed, laughing.

"Then it's settled, let's go," she dragged you up, a radiant smile playing at her lips.

The same smile you fell in love with.

The same sparkling eyes that told every story in the most expressive way.

It was impossible to not smile in return at her happiness.

Both of you headed down to see Iida frantically attempting to contact members of the class that were delayed. Midoriya rushed in almost instantly, though there was still no sign of Kirishima or Bakugo.

"Iida-kun calm down. I'm sure they just left early, we'll regroup at the party," you sighed.

"Eh? Shirakumo-San! I called you earlier, did you not have your phone with you?" Iida reprimanded.

"Nope. Only my watch. Mei had her phone so I thought we were good to go," you responded nonchalantly.

He shrugged it off and you made your way to the great hall where All Might's big speech was supposedly held.

Only to be shocked by a blaring alarm and a multitude of security robots.

The group unanimously decided to head to where All Might was, asap, since the heroes would surely be able to help somehow.

But the sight wasn't much better. All Might himself was at the mercy of villains as you stood helpless.

"I sure as hell hope he knows basic Morse code," you grumbled, pulling out a taser.

"Why do you have a taser but not your phone?" Iida hissed.

"I'm a girl! And this has a torch in the back, it'll help," you whispered in response, passing the torch to Mei.

She had the steadiest hands you knew and could hold the light in the perfect direction like you wanted it to be.

Mei shone the light on your watch as you twisted your wrist in the hero's direction. He caught your eyes and deciphered the message.

An S.O.S signal.

His eyes widened slightly at that, though he still kept his calm demeanor. The hero was smart enough to know you'd stay safe and alive, but was also smart enough to know that your class was reckless. If you were flashing the signal, it wasn't because one of you got hurt, but because you were silently trying to tell him you'd help him.

The group quietly retreated into a stairwell to devise a secure plan.

"We're still missing people, and we don't know how bad the situation on the island is. Wouldn't helping All Might and alleviating the protocol be quickest and safest for everyone?" You asked immediately.

All of them agreed, except Momo and Mineta.

"Haven't you seen the situation? We could die!" Mineta whimpered.

"We've been in life or death situations before. I'm with Shirakumo-San on this one, our main priority should be to help them," Todoroki reasoned.

"Haven't you learned anything from the USJ?" Mineta questioned again.

"I learned that people can die in this world because they weren't helped. The number one hero is called a pillar for a reason. If he dies, Japan's going to be in ruins. So either you're with me or in my way, choose wisely," you threatened, pushing past the crowd to make sure everything was still calm in the hall.

You headed out to the balcony and gave the hero a second message.

'Wait patiently'.

"We're with you," Jirou smirked from behind you.

You smirked in response and sent one last message.

'We will be there'.

A/N: I'm guessing there's two or three more movie parts left then we'll go back to normal chapters.

If you haven't checked out my other books, give those a shot as well. It's a two part series which includes the manga arcs in the second.

I'm also thinking of doing a spin off book type thing related to this book, tell me what you think!

M. Hatsume X F! Reader: The Devil in Pink (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now