See how this does...

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Hi There everyone!

So sorry for not updating and yes...this is not the next chapter yet either.

I've been working on another story (not posted anywhere) and it's just over 25,000 words for now. It's still far far far far from over actually but I wanted to see the reactions for the first chapter.

I would really appreciate comments, feedback, and ideas for this. I'll reply to most if not all of them!

Chapter 1

My name is...was Πανδωρα. 'All-Gifts' was what it meant. It was ironic as the sole purpose of my creation was to punish my fellow mankind.

I was the first mortal woman, created and gifted by the gods to the man who would be my husband, Epimetheus...and bring all evil with it.

I still remember the moment when Hephaestus, the god of smiths, breathed life into my clay body as it became flesh and blood. I still remember the gods of Olympus and many more standing around as they marveled at my birth. Their expressions only looked of awe, in retrospect I could see the pity in their eyes. The joyous laughter which echoed around was, in reality, the laughter of mockery.

As my name suggests, they endowed me with gifts mortals and immortals alike would most likely never lay their eyes, much less hands, upon. The various goddesses gave me Eternal beauty, charm, and sorcery and the gods gave me their strength, wisdom, and will. The servant gods of Olympus, too powerless to share their attributes, gave me the worldly goods of the Earth; mountains of gold and layers of dresses which would have surely earned the envy of all women should it have existed at that time.

Finally, at long last, the King of the Gods, Zeus, came to me to offer his gift. I had kneeled before his majestic presence but I remember a small smile...or was it a smirk? A small slip from his perfect mask as he knew he would be getting his revenge on mankind.

For what sin did man commit for Zeus to order the creation It would only be later I find out the petty crimes of man in which the King brought down all evil upon them.

As he got down on one knee, the Lord of the Sky kissed my forehead as I felt a foreign entity enter my mind. One in which I got no explanation was when I was brought to my husband that I would find out it was Curiosity and its true purpose.

As a parting gift, they gave me one final worldly item, a pithos or a Jar. A jar so large that it would have been impossible to have carried alone but thankfully the gods have enchanted it. Tied to my soul, it will always respond to my call and appear right next to me...and only I would be able to open and close it. I was the key.

As Hermes lowered me down to the mortal realm, he warned me to never open the pithos. I was a mere creation of the great gods, so who was I to disagree? Without a moment of hesitation, I agreed and swore my oath that I would never open the jar.

There isn't much to share about my marriage life as for me it was a life with no love. To Epimetheus, I was nothing but a trophy. A tool for pleasure and adoration, a decoration which no other man had. Something to show off to the other men as they congratulated him on his loyalty and reward. It's a strange concept to think that none of the men had any bad feelings towards him in this day...of course, it would be because none of those were with Man just yet.

Years passed but I never aged. None of us did. Mortality was not yet a concept and it was only natural that man would live forever...except they didn't. Day after day, year after year the small part of my mind that I had shut off grew louder and louder taking more and more of my will to keep quiet.

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