Paradise, Part 13

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Chapter 14

POV Archer

The commander was scary to say the least. At first glance, you wouldn't think that she could be so strong or threatening. Standing at...well...very short, she's probably one of the least threatening looking person you could encounter. That is until you meet her of course.

When we were first introduced to each other, I couldn't really believe that a little girl was going to be my commander and my men. Naturally, I challenged her in order to take back that right...and ended up waking in the hospital wing a week later along with most of my men. The scary fact would be that I could tell she was going, she was deliberately holding back in order to not kill us. I don't know her origins, story, or anything but she is easily one of the most powerful individuals in the world. How GrandLine managed to get someone like her is beyond me.

I was skeptical about her leadership and ability to take charge in a raid or stressful situation but it turns out there really wasn't much to worry about. She was a true natural at leading the team and making us function like a perfect team, a well oiled machine. Second, there was never a stressful situation. Due to her overwhelming strength and her tendency to go in alone, we never found ourselves in true danger or risk. Of course, neither I nor my men were complaining about this outcome; we were paid good money for doing this and if the commander was going to make it extra easy for us? Why not.

For months, I lead the my squad across the world (mostly Eastern Europe) to clean out the market and rats before the GrandLine enters the business. Being called to Japan was just another one of the usual. Meeting up with the Commander once we arrived there along with four other teams, we were given the list and information of what we were to do.

Over the next week, we cleaned out approximately two dozen groups of rats in the city. As expected, it was easy...too easy. With the Commander in the lead, each raid never lasted longer than ten minutes and the cleanup crew began to (jokingly) complain about how they were behind schedule because of us.

This day wasn't really different except that our target was out of the ordinary. Groups that we usually raided and cleaned were thugs or gangs that were trying to crawl out and enjoy the sun with the death of you-know-who; this was a yakuza. I've heard plenty of Yakuza stories and even more Yakuza movies but in reality, Yakuza's are different from your average gangster organization.

The biggest answer was their chivalrous behavior. Perhaps it was their rumored origins from Noble Samurais who protected villages (for a fee) but their rules of conduct were strictly maintained and protected as they called it their 'Honor'. Thins other crime families or Mexican Cartels might profit on was deemed 'incorrect behavior' by the Yakuza such as the use or selling of drugs. Thefts and robbery was met with punishment internally and any 'indecent' acts what would bring 'dishonor' to their group was frowned upon as well.

Due to this behavior and mindset, the Yakuza are a tricky group for a nation's police and legal force. They were bad, but had honor and morals. They scammed, but they were honest in their dealings. Heck, the bigger Yakuza organizations even had their own lawyers to protect them legally!

They were driven by money and were willing to do anything to get it...except ones that would bring more trouble than it is worth. Namely, trouble with the government. They would often exploit the powerless and nameless who were already abandoned by society. That way, the government couldn't really do anything about it and nor could the victim. Their front businesses were shady...but legal, although barely.

Yakuza's were tricky as they were smart.

On their backside, most of them were experts in avoiding detection. Twisting their 'sacred' code, they organized prostitution, gambling, loans, arms deals, stock market manipulation, and many many blackmails against influential members to gain the upper hand on anything they could.

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