Paradise, Part 4

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Chapter 5

Timeskip, 4 years

POV Iwao Oguro, The Former High-Speed Hero O'Clock

For a while it seemed as if life was over ever since that day. I used to be called 'High Speed Hero O'Clock. Respected from all over Asia and hailed especially in China and Japan as one of the top Heroes the region has ever seen.

As a Hero dedicated for the people, I sacrificed everything I had for them. My mind, my body, and even the relations I had in order to save lives...and of course they supported my goal and job. It was natural after all, that saving lives should take precedence over anything.

It all came crashing down on that day when I came across the strongest being I have ever encountered. 'All For One' he introduced himself before plunging his fingers into my chest and forcibly extracting my quirk.

I resisted with all I had and activated O'Clock to its full potential. Big Mistake. O'Clock is a quirk that allows the user to stimulate the brain into going hypersonic (hyper perception) in which it feels as if time slows down around the user. Doing so simply intensified the pain tenfold as I had to endure the process for so much longer than it should have been.

Still, I resisted. I punched, kicked, stabbed, and resisted with everything I had. Once the man was done with taking out my quirk, he threw me like a rag doll where I had my face split open...leaving a giant red scar on my face that even Recovery Girl was unable to get rid of.

Forcibly retired and now out of a job, I had nowhere to go and nothing to do. Using the money I had saved I found myself visiting the liquor store more and more often. Relations with my wife and daughter became strained as I fell into depression and no longer being the father...or the hero I used to be.

Then out of nowhere, a beacon of hope appeared. It was a far light all the way from Europe (on the other side of the world) but it had to be a former Pro Hero this was something I needed.

The GrandLine or GL for short was a relatively new company which rose to the position of a Mega Corporation in just three years and growing to challenge its influence with some of the largest Hero Associations in the World. For example the American Hero's Association (in which America has decided to stand united with all their Heroes) or even UA.

They expanded quickly through unknown but massive funds breaking through all of their financial obstacles before releasing something called 'Eve's Apple' to the public which caused an absolute Uproar in the world.

A way for the Quirkless to hold a quirk. It was simply mind-blowing to think that something like that was possible to begin with. These Apples gave whoever consumed the first bite a quirk.

With the entire world and especially the quirk-less wanting a hold of this miracle fruit, the company soared in power and influence before they reached out to the medical field. Within a single year they had united Europe's heal-based Quirks under their organization. Essentially holding a monopoly of all capable hospitals and their related businesses (pharmacies); not to mention their 'Miracle Surgeon' located in Switzerland where even the worst of the worst cases of patients were cured...for an astronomical sum. This solidified their position as a Mega corporation. The strangest parts were that, even to this day, nobody knew how GL made their apples or even who the CEO was. Only their COO Dr. Kyudai was known (as he was their public face) and the name 'Ace'. Nothing else was known about the massive but secretive corporation. A feat capable only since they never opened up their shares to the public but still managed to gulp down and feast on the market like nobody else.

Despite the shady side of GL, I knew this was my only choice. Still, it was obvious that while GL was a heartless corporation, it was that the company loved and trusted money. After calling in a couple favors and reassurances from previous customers, I decided it was worth whatever was on the other side and booked myself a flight to Switzerland, the Headquarters of GrandLine.

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