Paradise, the Red Line

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Chapter 17

POV Syrup

I love America. Sure the amusement parks and all the 'freedom' was fun but what was the best was all the corruption and mess going on in the background. After a wonderful (and rather oily) lunch, I immediately searched for the fun I came here to do.

I found it almost immediately. Shady guy beckoning me into his car selling me drugs. Gods, I love America. So many excuses and loopholes to kill a man while still being in the 'right'. In addition to that, state power weakened with the introduction of quirks. The government's top priority was 'suppressing quirk usage' and thus police and members of the government began to turn a blind eye and more often than not accept bribes on things like drugs and other things.

Absolutely wonderful.

Japan was getting kind of boring with their low crime rates. Sure I could continue going on killing the little gangs and yakuza's all over the country but it just isn't the same as when I was in my vigilante form.

Being in America, the symbol of 'freedom', it was just a complete different experience.

Stay safe, don't do anything stupid. If you do...don't cause trouble.

That was what Ace told me right before I boarded the plane. Well...I'll try not to but I'm guessing with what fate had planned for me, I'm not sure if my luck alone will be enough to overturn plot.

Getting in the car with the obviously suspicious guy, I made the universal sign for 'give'. I put out my hand.

Dude: I got weed


Dude: Hey, you don't understand hey don't you? Hey girl, oui oui, hon hon hon. I'm talking to you. Baguette, can even you under—-

Me: Shut the fuck up. Besides, why would I buy marijuana here when it's legal in California? Also why would you even try French when your grammar for English is messed up as it is? It's can you even, not 'can even you'. It's not 'understand hey don't', it's pronounced 'I am a fucking crackhead'.

He stared at me for a moment so I just took that as a sign to get out of the car. I would have liked it more if he was smart enough to take the deal to a more secluded spot or offer me something that's not on the least then I'd have an excuse. I need to actively search the alleys now?

Hours Later.

Why the fuck is America so peaceful??! Even Japan wasn't this crime-free and officially Japan's supposed to be safer! I've purposely walked into the red-zones, made myself look vulnerable, put away my weapons, and acted like a dumb foreigner!

Shit! Shouldn't some gangs have shown up by now? I thought a couple of them would try to at least kidnap me, rob me, and some of the sort but the only guys I met was.

Guy 1: Hey girl, uhh, I think you're lost. This is the back street. You get wha ah mean?

Guy 2: It Ain't safe for girls like yuh here. Your parents mus beh worried. Go back home befah it geths darhk

... What happened to the old America?! The one in the movies with all the violence, guns, gangs, and so much action! The America that raided their own capitol, killed their own people, almost started a bloody civil war, and the countless Karens? Do they think I came to California for Disneyland??!! There already is one in Japan and Paris! Why were they all so kind! I mean, I would like that most of the time but that wasn't the reason why I came here!

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