Paradise, Part 6

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Chapter 7

On a private (Double Decker) aircraft to Japan, I was relaxing while watching a movie that I had missed from the big screens. Unfortunately, it seemed like there was a reason why it didn't get good reviews as I found myself drifting off before even half of the movie was done.

Me: Zzzzzz, Zzzzz

It was just so comfortable in the queen sized bed that even though I woke up for a moment, I just wanted to continue laying down there.

Ace: Come on baby girl, we're almost there.

Me: *groan* Tell him to fly a couple more hours... *Zzzz* fly around or something

Ace: You know that's impossible. Now get up baby girl

Me: I'm *yawn* not a baby

I would have continued to resist for the dreamland should my boyfriend not stolen my blanket. As a Snow fruit user, I don't get cold but it's just not the same feeling as a warm cuddle type of sleeper when your blanket it gone.

Me: *glare*

Ace: Sorry baby girl but I needed to get you up somehow.

Me: I could have slept until we landed in the airport

Ace: It's not safe during the landing procedure

Me: As if that would hurt us.

Ace: True, but I don't like taking chances with your safety. Last time anyone even managed to touch you, you blew up the entire city before permanently turning the tropical climate into a tundra.

Slightly annoyed but feeling warmed by his words, I relented as I pulled myself up (with some help from his hands) as I climbed into his embrace. He leaned back on the cozy sofa by the bed as he took me in before placing my head on his shoulder and patting my back like one would a baby.

Me: I'm not a baby...but this does feel nice.

Ace: You want me to pet you as well?

Me: Now I'm getting even more sleepy. I'm quite *yawn* comfy

Ace: Oh no you don't

Damn my mouth! I should have stayed silent. Regretting my decision as he pushed me away from a hug and held me at half an arm's length, I glared at him so more. Not very intimidating with my half closed eyes and another yawn about to come out again.

Ace: You look like an angry kitten

Me: I'll show you angry kitten

Ace: Quite an attitude for a twelve year old

Me: *annoyed* I'm over twenty dammit!

He made a smirk that made my anger melt away as he brought up his other hand to the back of my head before going through it as if combing it. Petting it in a way.

Ace: Yes yes Ms. I-am-legal-age Charlotte. Would you like some chocolate milk to prove your point?

Me: Hot Chocolate

Ace: Of course. With plenty of cream and sugar?

My mouth watered. Damn this child's body! Actually...even when I was an adult I loved hot chocolate so maybe that wasn't to blame.

Me: ...HEY! ... yesh

He just chuckled as he tapped the tablet next to him sending an order to the flight crew to prepare the ordered drink.

Giving up on the idea of being able to fall back asleep for the remainder of the flight, I decided to fully exploit my child form.

Turning back and making my eyes impossibly wide and titling my head just slightly, I asked him.

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