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Chapter 22

POV Hawks

The halls were blaring red as the alarm sounded across the entire underground facility. I willed my wings to carry me faster as I flew down the long halls at sonic speed dodging through the agents around every corner.

I felt the bullets, live ammunition, graze my side and through my wings but I ignored them as I sped towards the exit. They needed to know...they had to know. Hopefully they got the hint and Nezu would be able to piece it together but I needed to be there...It needed to be passed on before it was too late.

It was rather surprising when the GrandLine accepted me into their ranks rather easily, seeing that I was a well-known hero and all. Sure, the lower employees would not know anything but the higher ups knew well that I was here for more than just an intern experience.

And yet...and yet they accepted me. After perhaps the easiest ability-test and observation session they placed me into their new Secret team with little to no questions all.


The GrandLine's Rapid Response Elite Unit composed of the best of the best...or perhaps in another way the worst of the worst. Seeing the member profiles it was undeniable that each of the members were 'proven' in terms of strength or a unique ability that would be useful...but in terms of 'what' they did...

Criminals, villains.

Wanted criminals were on the list such as Dabi, Twice, Muscular, and even Moonfish. Those who he would usually not think twice about sending them directly into the depths of Tartartus...but he waited. He waited as this was his chance to see what was hiding in the core of GrandLine.

Through the years he learned more than he bargained or planned to...and in more ways than one it was eye-opening. He didn't want to admit but the years he spent at the GrandLine were the best years of his existence.

Within their group, it was a perfect blend of 'Militaristic Order' and 'friendship' that bordered on true camaraderie. Their group's leader Tomura Shigaraki and Kurogiri did a fantastic job at keeping everything in line and training them down to the bones...and the results were amazing.

Even without a new quirk, his speed, power, and abilities developed to new levels he thought previously impossible.

If only I could bring this method to the Heroes...

Perhaps it was the harsh training or the dangerous situations the GL put them in but he found himself bonding with these criminals, these villains. He learnt of their stories, their perspective, their lives...and to finally see the world from their perspective...changed him...scared him.

It was so similar to his own...and once he realized this it was as if a veil had been lifted. If...if the man who had saved him wasn't Endeavor...if Heroes didn't come for him like they didn't come for them...would he have been a hero? Would he have idolized them like most blind sheep or would he have fought against the system that ignored him?

He was left questioning...and even began questioning his very own mission to infiltrate and spy on the GrandLine until...until he saw what he could not unsee.

The Creation of Pandora's Apple.

He saw with his own eyes as how bodies of living and dead villains alike were processed with unspeakable horrors as they were seedified into objects. To turn human life into a product for commercial products.

What did he expect? Artificial Quirks made from nothing?

At least, certainly not this. DNA manipulation and bio-tampering but not this...not this horror; and yet, even this was not enough to push him over the edge. What pushed him over the edge was not the knowledge of evil that existed, but rather the fear of what was to come.

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