"Yeah. Cory can you make one of your famous lasagna for Miss Thomason please." he said to a guy I've come to realize is named Cory. He then turns to me and says "I'll go make us some chicken noodle soup to drink while we wait. OK?"

"OK, but don't take too long I'm starving." I said sitting down on the couch and turning on the TV.

"Nope, no TV." Leonard says grabbing the remote and turning it off.
"What! Why can't I watch some TV?"
"Yeah why can't she watch some TV?" said the guy who was sitting beside me. Turning to him I ask "Who are you?"
"Oh, I'm a friend of Leonard's, I'm Jewel the charming one". He says holding his hand out for me to shake. Grabbing his hand and shaking it I said "well nice to meet you Jewel." the turned back to Leonard and repeated the question "Why can't I watch TV."

"Because you have an head injury, TV would just make your head hurt more." He said this with an annoyed and frustrated look on his handsome face.

Not in the mood for an argument, I just kissed my teeth, folded my arms and lied back on the couch.

"Since she can't watch TV, can I watch some?" asked Jewel, looking up at Leonard with a hopeful look on his face.
"No!" "Whhhyyy?" he winned
"Because if you turn on the TV Miss Thomason would be able to watch it too. So no." Leonard said then turns around and walks into the kitchen with Cory behind him and the remote in his hand.

Once I finished drinking the soup Leonard made, he brought the bowl back to the kitchen and have been in there ever since. It's been 3 hours, and Jewel and I are tired of throwing a ball back and forth.

Groaning very loudly I shouted "How much longer will this fucking lasagna take man?"
"Yeah, I'm starving over here. Hurry it up in there." shouted a hungry looking Jewel

"It will be ready in a minute!" Shouted Cory from the kitchen.
"And watch that mouth of yours Miss Thomason. I don't need you cussing profanity around my children."

Kissing my teeth "Your acting like they haven't heard it before, or will never hear it in their lives."

"Still, I don't want to hear it. The food will be ready in about an hour" Leonard said
"What, an hour!?" I shouted in disbelief while Jewel shouted "You said that an hour ago."

"Well Jewel, it would have been ready an hour ago if SOMEBODY hadn't thrown a ball in the kitchen, 'which scared the shit out of me by the way' and caused the lasagna to fall from my hands." shouted Cory angrily

"Your saying it like I was the one who threw the ball. It was Kenesha!" defended Jewel

"GUY'S, your constant back and forth shouting is giving me an headache. So unless you want a black eye, a broken nose or maybe a busted lip, SHUT THE FUCK UP." I shouted

No one made a sound after my out burst. Except Jewel and Cory, they started whimpering. I don't know why and they refused tell me why when I asked.

2 hours later, Leonard calls us for dinner.

"Finally!" I shouted jumping up from the couch and racing Jewel to the kitchen. While running to the kitchen, Jewel pushed me to the side and I had to jump over a vase so as to not knock it over. Landing on my feet, I speared him from behind bringing both of us down, then getting up and running into the kitchen laughing my ass off at the face Jewel is making.

"Would you guys stop the playing and sit your asses down."
"I thought you said no cussing?" I asked Leonard
"Ass isn't a bad word" he said
"Oh really now"

There is a knock at the back door that catches everyone's attention. Turning around I saw two huge guy's. "I'll be right back." says Leonard going over to the glass door, opening it and stepping out. Turning back to the table I saw lasagna, mashed potatoes, gravey and what looks like chicken.

I know these white folks are trying to make me feel complete around the dinner table because I'm the only black person here. So they thought the safest way was to cook chicken. Well, they were right, it is the safest way to go. Let's just hope it tastes as good as it looks.

I'm always skeptical when it comes to eating American dinner, since I'm Caribbean and we use alot of spice when we cook and my tongue is used to alot of spice. So normally when I go to restaurants I'll ask them to use alot of spice and seasoning and to do it well done. The chef would always leave the kitchen to ask me why would I want that, and I'd have to explain to him. It's a good thing that all of the chef's I've met understood me and didn't questions it too much.

"Well shit! I thought you guys were only making lasagna." I asked
"Well we were, until we decided to make something else to go with it, and because we made you wait this long." replied Cory

Jewel was about to start eating when I slapped him and said "we're waiting on Leonard." He began pouting instantly

Leonard returned 10 minutes later with the men trailing behind him. He introduced them as Ralph and Ramon, who were also at the club that night. He also said that they will be joining us for dinner.

So we all sat down, I prayed, then we ate while laughing and telling stories.

After dinner, we sat together in the sitting room telling embarrassing stories about our childhood. We were getting bored so Jewel suggested we play twister. "OK, let's play, but I'll spin the arrow while you guys do the twisty thing." I said grabbing the board with the arrow.

Then Leonard said "Nooo, come twist with us"
"Nope, sorry I can't, as you can see I'm a big girl, I'm not ashamed, but I know for a fact that I can't bend like this game wants you to. So I'm not even gonna try and that's final."

Deflated Leonard says "Fine, you spin the arrow. I'll go first, then Jewel, Then Ralph, then Cory and Ramon goes last."
"What are you waiting for, spin the arrow kenesha."
"Oh, sorry spaced out. Here we go"

So I spineed for everyone and the game went on for 2 hours with no one ruining the game. After another 30 minutes, Jewel (who was on top of everyone) farted, and it smelled so bad that all the guys fell all at once, except for Jewel. We named him the champion since he was the only one left standing.

At around 8:00pm, I was 'sent' to bed "like I was a child" by Leonard, because apparently me resting my head on the arms of a chair means I'm tired and my head hurts.

So, here I am in my room lieing on my bed, bored, while the guys are downstairs having fun.

Just kidding, I'm having a Pixar movie marathon. But I have to keep the volume on low because if Leonard hears it he's going to be really pissed.

"Wait, I'm not afraid of Leonard, I'm a grown and woman. I can do whatever I want." I thought out loud

So.... I turned the volume on high and a few seconds later, I hear him running up the stairs. I quickly turned the TV off, got under the covers and turned my back to the door pretending to be asleep.

"He bust in the room and I'm like. Rubbing my eyes and slowly turning around in the bed saying "wwhhaatt"

Sorry for the late update guys. I was busy and didn't remember anything about the book. Remember to like and leave a comment down below.

The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty chubby mate.Where stories live. Discover now