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5 months went by and aria was still in her coma, she knew that Quinton, Kendall and Cynthia had been visiting her everyday. Quinton was there every night and everyday and never left her side. Ashley ended up having to go back home for doctors checkups and work.

aria could hear every word someone said to her and she couldn't talk it any longer. she wanted to hold on but listening to people talk about her like she's dying when she feels fine mentally drained her.

qu: hey baby, its been 5 months with you gone, I want you to know that I still love you and I miss you. ar: I love you too, I just wish you could hear me.

that night Quinton went to sleep holding arias hand next to her. throughout the night aria moved her hand over Quintons. Quinton woke up with a shock and called the nurses.

qu: I felt her move, she touched my hand.

the nurse went over to check on aria and started checking the machines.

nu: aria, come on work with me here.

ar:qui- quin- quinton aghhhhh

qu: oh my gosh aria, baby im right here.

Quinton started crying and hugging aria.

nu; how do you feel sweetie?

ar: sore, and in pain. what happened?

nu: you were in a car crash.

ar: what?! when?

nu: 5 months ago.

ar: 5 months. I have been in a coma for 5 months.

qu: its okay Aria, you're out now. I missed you so much.

ar: im so sorry quin, I should have been there for you.

qu: its not your fault it was that stupid drunk driver.

a few days went by and the nurse's gave aria a cast for her broken arm. it was nearly the day she was able to go home.

qu: are you ready to go see everyone and finally be home.

ar: of course I am missed everyone.

Quinton helped aria get changed and then helped her out of the hospital and into the car. They drove to the new sway house that only had Blake, Noah, Quinton and a couple of other people. on the way home Quinton told aria about everything that had changed. when they got to the house Quinton helped aria inside and everyone jumped out and said surprise. Aria hugged all of her friends and talked to them about everything that has happened.

After all her friends left Aria slowly walked to her bedroom and laid down. shortly after quinton walked in and laid down next to her.

ar: can you stay with me?
qu: as long as you need.

Aria slowly moved into a better position to sleep in and quinton softly cuddled her making sure not to hurt her.

the next morning aria woke up without a warm feeling beside her. she slowly got up and walked to the living room and sat down. Quinton walked in with bagels and coffee and handed one to her. They sat down and ate their breakfast while watching some tv.

qu: so how are you feeling?
ar: i mean as good as i could feel.
qu: are you sure?

aria sighed and dropped her food

ar: of course im not good quin, i've been in a coma for 5 months, 5 months of work missing, 5 months of you and my friends moping around in a hospital when instead you could have been out enjoying anything else. i feel awful and guilty that i ruined it.
qu: Aria we chose to be there, we chose to sit in that hospital day and night until you woke up. don't feel guilty about anything. As for your work we informed everyone that you had been hit and was in a severe coma so don't worry.

aria looked up at quinton with so much love in her eyes and then snuggled her head into his neck.

2 weeks later arias cast was off and she was moving her arm around pretty easily. she had got a call from a few organisations and brands that had wanted to do collabs with her before her accident and rescheduled for new ones.

she also put in her resume at a 5 star wedding event company closer into the city. she got back a request for an interview straight away.

the next day she went in for the interview and they offered her a job on the spot. she couldn't control her emotions she was so happy. she called quinton to come pick her because she did feel like driving yet. when quinton got there she hopped in the car and told him all about it. quinton listened with so much intent knowing damn straight he was gonna marry this girl one day.

the next few days aria prepared herself for her job and went through a few training courses at the company to get her started.

time flew by and before she knew it she has been working there for over a month.

Neutral Feeling [Quinton Griggs]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ