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"They what?!" Steve growled. Happy, Tabia and I had just finished recapping this afternoon's events. Shuri was inspecting her sister's face, but didn't seem too worried at the minor damage. I was sure they had both seen worse before. "Calm down, Steve" I said cautiously. "Nobody was hurt.."

"Not hurt?" He exclaimed and his finger gently brushed my cheek. "Look at you! You're covered in bruises."

I batted his hand away. "You and I both know I'm too stubborn to die at a farmer's market."

But this was clearly no time for jokes. Nearly every Avenger seemed to be seething. "Where are the assholes now?" Nat asked, already a dagger in hand.

"Interrogation room but-"

"Great. Wanda?" Natasha got up from her seat, making her way to the elevator.

"Coming," Wanda muttered, angry red swirls of magic whirling at her finger tips.

"We won't be able to get information from them if they're dead," I called, then looked pleadingly towards Tony. He sighed.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, lock the elevator," he ordered.

The machine's doors clamped shut. The women glared behind their shoulders. "Tony! They tried to kill your daughter!" Nat snapped.

"I'm aware," My father said. "But Maze is right. What use will they be if their limbs are all in separate rooms by the time they're questioned?"

"Steve, cut it out," I said, catching him send me a deeply worried stare for the dozenth time.

"Bruce, get them to the hospital wing," Cap said. "And why don't the rest of us.. have a crack at this interrogation."

The entire squad, excluding Bruce, stood and solemnly walked down the stairs. I gulped.

"The assassins are going to die, aren't they?"

"It's very likely, yes," Bruce replied with a small smile. His eyes brushed my face very quickly, as if not intentional. "Not you too," I signed. "I'm not hurt! I swear."

"I think I'll decide that for myself," Bruce said. He faced Happy. "You aren't injured, are you?"

The chauffeur shook his head. "Not in the slightest."
"Good. Now let's get you two into the hospital wing," Bruce gestured for Tabia and I to follow him.

"You'd think you died," Tabia whispered to me as we trailed behind the doctor. Since the hospital was only one level below the living room we had just been in we were taking the stairs. I huffed. "No kidding. We're lucky Thor isn't here. He would have thrown a fit."

"My sister didn't even spare me two glances," Tabia smiled. "In her defense, she's seen she with six broken limbs before."

We reached the two doors of the hospital wing, and Bruce held them open for us. "Bruce, is this really necessary?" I sighed as he handed Tabia and I a hospital gown each.

"Very. Now go and get changed."

Tabia and I trudged into separate sectioned rooms and then emerged simultaneously, wearing the boxy white gowns. "Get back in there," Bruce pointed at me without looking up from his laptop. "Tabia, you'll be assessed by Tim."

A life-sized robot rolled towards her. It had a clear, bulbous head in which you could see all the wiring and mechanics perched upon a taller metal block. Its face was made from bits of scarp shaped into features. Tabia raised an eyebrow but allowed the robot to lead her back into her room.

"What does 'Tim' stand for?" I asked Bruce who followed me as I lay onto the hospital bed.
"Nothing. I just thought it was a nice name," He told me. I grinned.

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